Posted by Lesley Watson, Business Liaison Officer
Last year over 400 primary and secondary schools took part in Micro-Tyco from across the country and between them they generated over £200,000 for microfinance projects to empower female entrepreneurs across the developing world. Within Angus a total of 25 schools took part raising the phenomenal total between them of £34,031.00.
This year, based on your feedback, and to ensure Micro-Tyco is an even bigger success, the Wildhearts Team have updated the learning resources for teachers and changed the way that schools register for Micro-Tyco to ensure they have enough time to plan and get involved.
Registration is now open ( and is much simpler and quicker than in previous years. Registration will be open until the 2nd October. However the sooner you register, the sooner you will gain access to the 8 week Micro-Tyco Programme of Learning featuring Lesson Plans and videos so you can begin planning. Further details are attached.
To help with our administration locally, please can I ask you (in addition to registering officially with Wildhearts) to also express your interest to Lesley Watson ( stating whether you anticipate participating in the November 2015 or February 2016 challenge. This does not commit you to take part, however knowing which schools in Angus are planning to take part in Micro-Tyco during Session 2015/16 will enable us to appropriately plan for the year ahead and ensure support can be offered in the right places.
Further information can be found at
Alternatively, please don’t hesitate to contact Lesley or the team directly at Wildhearts –