posted by: Rodger Hill, Service Manager, Schools & Learning
Following a further release of Scottish Government funding to support Masters-level learning for teacher practitioners, the Tayside and Fife Partnership are now in a position to offer a range of funded opportunities to study through the University of Dundee in session 2015-2016 on a first-come first-served basis. Each local authority has been allocated funded places on the following courses.
1. Professional Learning Teams
10 teacher places in the ‘Mentoring’ module.
5 teacher places in the ‘Research Methods’ module.
2. Science
20 primary teacher places in ‘The Teaching of Primary Science’ module.
3. Middle Leadership
10 teacher places in the in Middle leadership programme, undertaking two modules leading to a PG Certificate.
All modules/courses will start at the beginning of November 2015. If you are interested in applying for one of the places above, please email Morna Duncan, Administration Assistant, People ( by Friday 18 September 2015 at the latest.