posted by: Pauline Stephen, Head of Schools & Learning
Primary and Secondary Head Teachers met together last week. There was the opportunity to consider two key draft documents; our raising achievement strategy and our support and challenge in schools policy. Lots of constructive feedback was provided and this will be used to reshape the documents ready for wider use.
We are hoping to hold an Angus Learning Festival over the two In-service days in November. As well as officially launching our raising achievement strategy, we are hoping that some of our Angus teachers will share their good practice. Core themes for the Festival are:
- Growth mindset
- Language of learning
- Feedback and progression
- Teachers as evaluators
The idea is to come together for a half day as a community of teachers to hear about practice in other classrooms, consider whether a version of it would work in your context and make a plan to try it out! We know we will continue to improve outcomes for our children and young people by focusing on the quality of learning and teaching in each of our classrooms. This will be a chance to share and learn from and with others. Look out for more details nearer the time.