Great British Beach Clean 2015

by Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer

 Marine Conservation Society    We aiming to make this year’s Great British Beach Clean the biggest ever and we would love to invite your school to join in!

Throughout Scotland and the rest of the UK there will be events going on over the weekend of the 18th-21st September and we hope to see you at one of them!

Beachwatch is our national beach cleaning and litter surveying programme – helping people all around the UK to care for their coastline with the Great British Beach Clean being the flagship event.

Some of our best-loved marine wildlife is under threat from the waste and litter in our seas, with hundreds of species accidentally eating or becoming entangled in litter. Litter on our beaches is also hazardous to people so we all have a part to play in turning the tide on litter. Join an event or organise your own and be part of the most influential fight against marine litter in the UK!

We can help every step of the way.

Whether you want to adopt your local beach or just come along to one of our registered events we can help you make it the most educational and fun day out in the school calendar!

For more information and to sign up please click here.

If you are considering taking part in the Great British Beach Clean, it would be most helpful if you could let Alita Spink, Schools and Learning Support Officer, know up Angus This will provide us with an overview of the level of school involvement across Angus and how we are contributing to the ‘Clean up Angus’ campaign.

2 thoughts on “Great British Beach Clean 2015

  1. It would be useful to know which schools are taking part when, so those of us not working in schools could get involved too.

  2. It’d be great if participating schools shared their stories here. Let us know how many bags of litter you collected, tell us about any unusual discoveries, etc.


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