Category Archives: CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 15/03/2021:

C – Reading Numbers (Step 6): I can read 3 digit numbers.

L – Step 8: 5x Table

I – Doubling and Halving: Doubling without going over 10s (Step 3): I can double 2 digit numbers.

For example: double 22=44

C – Multiplication (Step 7): I can write out repeated addition.

For example: 3+3+3+3+3 = 5×3

You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 08/03/2021:

C – Count Fourways: I can count in ½s.

L – Step 8: 4+5, 5+6, 6+7, 7+8, 8+9

I – Fact Families (Step 2): I can turn 1 digit +1 digit facts into multiples of 10.

For example: 30+40=70, 40+30=70, 70-30=40, 70-40=30

C – Subtraction (Step 15): I can take a multiple of 10 from a multiple of 10.

For example: 50-20=?

You can practise these targets each day. 

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 01/03/2021:

C – Count Fourways: I can count in 5000s.

L – Step 8: 4+5, 5+6, 6+7, 7+8, 8+9

I – Where’s Mully (Step 1): I can find Mully using my tables.

C – Addition (Step 15): I can add 10 to any 2 digit number.

For example: 38+10=?

You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets

CLIC Targets for the week 22/02/2021:

C – Count Fourways: I can count in 500s.

L – Step 8: 4+5, 5+6, 6+7, 7+8, 8+9

I – Jigsaw Numbers (Step 2): I can find the missing piece to the next multiple of 10.

For example: 32+?=40

C – Subtraction (Step 14): I can take 10 from a 2 digit number.

For example: 62-10=?

You can practise these targets each day.

CLIC Targets wb 30.11.2020

CLIC Targets for wk/com 30/11/20

C – Counting
Count Fourways – I can count in 10s, 5s & 2s
I can:-
• count in 10s to 100, (forwards and backwards)
0, 10, 20, 30, . . . . . / 100, 90, 80, . . . . .
• count in 5s to 50, (forwards and backwards)
0, 5, 10, 15, 20, . . . . . / 50, 45, 40, 35, . . . . .
• count in 2s to 20, (forwards and backwards)
0, 2, 4, 6, , . . . . . / 20, 18, 16, 14, . . . . .

L – Learn It’s
7 + 4 = 11, 8 + 4 = 12, 9 + 4 =13, 8 + 3 = 11, 9 + 3 = 12
X 10 Table – 1×10 =10, 2×10 =20, 3×10 =30 . . . . 10×10 = 100

I – It’s Nothing New
Jigsaw Numbers – I can find the missing piece to 10.
Remember to :
Use your Learn Its . . . .
1 links with 9 2 links with 8 3 links with 7
4 links with 6 5 links with 5

C – Calculations
Subtraction – I can take 2 or 3 from a number to 20.
Remember to:
• find the starting number
• count back the right amount
• see where you have landed.

CLIC Targets wb 23.11.2020

Here are the CLIC targets for you to practise at home:-

CLIC Targets for wk/com 23/11/20. Good luck on Friday!

C – Counting Count Fourways – I can count in 2s I can:-

say count in 2s to 10, then 20 (and if confident to 100) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 (12, 14, 16, 18, 20) (22, 24, . . . . . .)

Extension task:- Can you say the numbers backwards • 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 (20, 18, 16, 14 . . . . . 0)

Children begin to see that the numbers always end in 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and because they are even number, they have a double

L – Learn It’s Doubles beyond 10:- 6 + 6 = 12, 7 + 7 = 14, 8 + 8 = 16, 9 + 9 = 18 , 10 + 10 = 20 

I- It’s Nothing New I can double 2 digit multiples of 10 –

Double:- 10 is 20, 20 is 40, 30 is 60, 40 is 80, 50 is 100, 60 is 120, 70 is 140, 80 is 160, 90 is 180 and 100 is 200

C –Calculations Addition – I can add 2 or 3 to a number up to 20

16 + 2 = , 14 + 2 = , 15 + 3 = , 17 + 2 =

Remember to:-

• find (think of) the starting number

• count on the right amount . . . one jump for each number

• see (think) where you have landed.

CLIC Targets wb 16.11.2020

C – Counting
Reading Number – I can read 3 digit numbers of 100
Remember to:-
• say the hundreds digit
• then say ‘hundred’
(100, 200, 300, . . . . . 900)

L – Learn It’s
Count in multiples of 5 – 0, 5, 10, 15, . . . . . . . 50
(Continue to pair numbers to make 10 as quickly as possible:-
1 + 9, 2 + 8, 3 + 7, 4 + 6, 5 + 5 and switch these.)

I – It’s Nothing New
I can double 2 digit multiples of 10 –
10 is 20, 20 is 40, 30 is 60, 40 is 80 and 50 is 100

C – Calculations
Subtraction – I can solve a number subtraction sentence.
6 – 4 = 2, 8 – 3 = 5, 9 – 6 = 3

CLIC Targets wb 02.11.2020

C: Counting (Saying Numbers; Step 4) I can count to 100 ; focusing on the multiples of 10- knowing 20 comes after 19. 30 comes after 29, 40 comes after 39 etc. Count backwards and forwards 

L: Learn It’s (Step 4 – Stories of 10; referred to as jigsaw numbers to 10) 1+9, 2+8, 3+7, 4+6, 5+5 looking at their switchers also 9+1, 8+2, 7+3, 6+4

I: It’s Nothing New (Doubling & Halving; Step 2) Doubling with PIM (without crossing 10) I can double 2d multiples of 10 e.g Double 40 is 80

C: Calculations (Subtraction; Step 8) I can solve a number subtraction sentence 6 – 4 = Show right amount of materials, record sentence, count materials, record answer. 

CLIC Targets wb 26.10.2020

We will revise over the targets that we were working on in the last term for this week to ensure consolidation before moving onto new ones, however in our Learn Its we will move onto Number Stories of 10

Please see previous CLIC posts for revision.

L: Learn It’s (Step 4 – Number Stories of 10)  Learn Its should be answered in a click!

10+0,  0+10, 

1+9, 9+1

2+8, 8+2

3+7. 7+3

4+6, 6+4



CLIC Targets wb: 21.09.2020 and 28.09.2020

C: Counting (Reading Numbers; Step 4) I can read 2d numbers e.d 65 is sixty five

L: Learn It’s (Step 3 – Near Doubles and Multiples of 102+1=; 2+3=; 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100

I: It’s Nothing New (Doubling & Halving; Step 2) Doubling with PIM (without crossing 10) I can double 2d multiples of 10 e.g Double 40 is 80

C: Calculations (Addition; Step 9) I can solve addition on a number line 3 + 4= 7 (Find the starting number, count on the right jump for each number, see where you have landed)