Dinosaur Art and Craft

We explored different shapes and patterns by using dinosaur footprints in paint.

We also drew our own dinosaurs using non-fiction books, stencils and toy dinosaurs to guide us.  We are all learning to use the correct tripod grip when drawing and are trying hard to add extra detail into our drawings.  This encouraged lots of boys to pick up a pen.  This is a key area of our development plan for this academic session.

We (am children) experimented with splatter paint to make volcanoes.  We spoke reflectively as we watched the colours blend and change.


Dinosaur Eggs

We made our own dinosaur eggs.  With the help of Mrs Gordon, we put toy dinosaurs in balloons full of water.  We then froze them and had great fun trying to free the dinosaurs once they were frozen.  This encouraged lots of descriptive language and a deeper understanding of early science concepts.

Dinosaurs – talking tub.

We have been choosing to play with dinosaurs in the nursery.  Many playgroups. parents and previous nurseries also told us how interested the children are in finding out about dinosaurs.  

At nursery, we use talking tubs to help the children plan new topics.  Some of the children have been involved in a talking tub recently.  The talking tub is full of different dinosaur related resources.  It contained a fossil, a bone, a leaf, pictures of volcanoes, skeletons, footprints, stones and more.  The children each chose an object and spoke about it.  This allowed the staff to unpick the children’s knowledge and understanding and helped us to identify areas of interest as well as misconceptions.  There was a strong interest in finding out more about fossils, volcanoes and meat eaters.  The children also showed an interest in the size of dinosaurs.  There was also some confusion about volcanoes and fossils.  We will use this as a basis for our new topic – please see the planning sheet in nursery for more information.

Here are the talking tub planners.  They all drew pictures to show their key areas of interest or knowledge.  🙂

Blog Updates

Apologies for the lack of Blog updates recently.  We were waiting for all Blog permission forms to be completed.  They now are and we look forward to sharing evidence of our learning on this blog throughout the session. 🙂

Our first week back

We all had a great first week back at nursery.  We have been enjoying exploring familiar and new play contexts and are developing the relationships we had with friends we already knew.  We are excited about lots of new friends starting this week.


Teddy Sleepover

Dear boys and girls,

The teddies have been having a great adventure since you have been gone.  They have made lots of new friends and think nursery is lots of fun.  Mrs Gordon, Mrs Ogilvie and Mrs Duncan have been giving them cuddles if they feel sad and have been helping them find good things to play with.   

They liked playing in the sand and were a bit cheeky when they put it on the floor!  Lots of the teddies liked playing in the construction corner and they tried building towers with lego and wooden blocks.  They wish that you had been there to help them.  They made pictures at the craft table with the glue and pasta, and drew pictures at the drawing table.  They did lots of tricky puzzles and felt very proud when they managed to finish one.  They liked cuddling up to have a story before bedtime.  They are excited about you trying all of these things when you come to nursery!

We tucked them up in bed and read them a bedtime story.  We kissed them all good night and they fell asleep very quickly.  They were very sleepy after their busy nursery day.  

They are all so excited to see you tomorrow (we are too!).  

Lots of love,

Mrs Gordon, Mrs Ogilvie, Miss Stephen, Mrs Duncan and Mrs Bartlett

Sincere apologies again for the late posting of this!  The blog has not been behaving and I have been trying for several hours!  Thank you.  🙂


Teddy Sleepover

Mummies and daddies – sincere apologies for the delay in uploading the photographs from the sleepover.  I am having problems with the files but hope to have them uploaded in the next 15 minutes.  Thank you.

Boys and girls- I hope you don’t mind that we let the teddies stay up past their bed time because they were having such good fun together.  We are just tucking them into bed and will have the photographs up very soon.  🙂

Forest Session Update

The sun is shining, the sky is blue and we are delighted to be going ahead with the forest today.  It is very boggy and muddy underfoot – great for exploring mud – you may wish to wear waterproof walking boots/trainers or wellies.  It is colder than you might expect in the forest, please dress warmly.

We look forward to seeing you all at 9.45am or 1.45pm at the nursery gate.

Kind regards,

The Nursery Team

Teddy Bears’ Picnic

Regrettably, due to the terrible weather forecast for tomorrow there will be no teddy bears’ picnic in the morning or afternoon sessions.  Teddies are welcome to be dropped off to nursery on Thursday, when the children attend the forest session, so that they can stay for their sleepover on Thursday night.

We look forward to seeing you all for the forest at 9.45am or 1.45pm on Thursday.

Many thanks and apologies for any inconvenience,

The Nursery team.

Induction activities – new children

As part of the induction process you and your child are invited along to three activities within areas that the nursery regularly visits.  The activities are intended to provide your child with the opportunity to meet new friends, get to know key nursery environments and some of the nursery staff, with the support of a parent/carer.  The parent/carer must remain with their child throughout the activities.  Regrettably, siblings are not able to join us on these induction activities.

Teddy Bears’ Picnics and Teddy Sleepover

These will take place on Wednesday 23rd August 2017.  Children should bring a small teddy to nursery to participate in a picnic with their new friends, parents and teddies.  The teddies will then be invited to have a sleepover in nursery.  The following day the children will be able to view their adventurous teddies on the nursery blog.  Please note the timings of the picnics below.

AM Class: 10am -11am.   Please meet at the nursery gate at 9.45am

PM class: 2pm – 3pm.  Please meet at the nursery gate at 1.45pm.

Forest Sessions

These will take place on Thursday 24th August 2017. Please ensure your child has waterproof clothing, suitable shoes (no pumps/sandals) and that they wear long trousers and not shorts/skirts.

AM class: 10am – 11am.  Please meet at the nursery gate at 9.45am

PM class: 2pm – 3pm.  Please meet at the nursery gate at 1.45pm.

If weather conditions are poor on Thursday 18th August, a notice will be put up on this blog to inform you that the forest trip has been cancelled.

Stay and Play Session

On Friday 25th August children and their parents are invited to attend a play session within the nursery classroom.  This will allow the children to become familiar with the nursery classroom and the different play contexts.

AM class: 10am – 11am

PM class: 2pm – 3pm


We are looking forward to meeting you all next week! 🙂

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