Tag Archives: Literacy

Our tricky problem

Some of the morning boys and girls have a big problem….they can’t agree what type of bird is in the animal box.  They looked on the iPad at photographs of big birds, went to the library to look in books and even asked the janitor!  Olivia says, ‘it’s actually not an ostrich!’  They decided to draw pictures of the bird and stick them up on the noticeboard to get all the mummies and daddies to help them solve their tricky problem!   If you look closely at the photographs you will be able to see the toy bird that is causing such a fuss!  Please offer any suggestions by reply to this post.  The children said they wanted it solved by tomorrow! 🙂

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Early Literacy skills

Many of us have been showing a strong interest in using drawing and craft materials both indoors and outdoors.  This is a crucial early literacy skill that we are learning to develop.   It helps us discover that print has meaning, helps us to develop a plan – what will I draw or stick first and, develops our fine motor skills.


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Our slide!

The morning boys worked together to make a slide for the balance log in the garden.  They persevered with challenges when it kept collapsing and worked well as a team by sharing their ideas.  They drew a plan using chalk to help them decide what it should look like.  They decided that the slide must have a side to it so ‘you don’t fall out.’  They kept themselves safe by choosing to wear hard helmets! 🙂

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