Tag Archives: Science


Many of us were very interested in the recycling books that Murray had brought in to share with his friends.  Today we helped our lovely janitor Frank to recycle some of the school rubbish.  We helped him to recycle a huge trolley of cardboard by sorting it into the correct bin.  We shared our own experiences of recycling at home too.

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We (encouraged by Finlay)  have renamed our stone pit ‘Beetleland’ after finding several beetles today.  We looked under stones and logs to find beetles, worms, spiders and ants.  The ground was very dry so we decided to add some water to make it wet.  We found out that some minibeasts like wet ground better.  We had great fun using our senses to observe the minibeasts that we had found.

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Water Experiments

Over the past week the afternoon boys have been very interested in exploring pouring, floating and sinking in the water tray.  They especially enjoyed using the water pipes to make water flow.  Today they used new nursery toys to extend this further.  The new toys are quite similar to marble run and can be constructed in different ways to make pipes that flow in different directions.

The boys also enjoyed making different sounds using the pipes like trumpets.  More photos to follow…

Possible home extension: provide jugs, pipes and cups for supervised bath time fun.

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Our new nursery friend!

We all made a new nursery friend today – a frog! We were absolutely delighted when Frank, the janitor, brought through a frog that he had found in the playground.  We all enjoyed watching the frog hop around and spoke in depth about its features.  Both the morning and afternoon children took care of it by carefully providing him with a pool and rocks.  Michael decided we needed some frog books  for the story corner and we also have toy frogs in the water tray.  We hope to share these stories in the next few days.

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Exploring sounds

We used connecting pipes to make very large twisty tunnels in the garden today.  We experimented with putting water inside and were trying to work out how to make the water come out of the different pipes.  We found out that we needed to hold one end of the pipe up high to make the water flow.

We also experimented with shouting different sounds through the tubes and really enjoyed listening to the echo as our sounds moved through the pipes.  We might follow this up by making cup phones.

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Water, water everywhere!

We had a great first day back at nursery!  We were all desperate to get into the mud kitchen! We also enjoyed using the hose and experimented with pouring, splashing and filling.  We all needed to change into our welly boots  to do the splashing – please ensure your child has a pair of these left in the nursery welly box at all times.  Thank you!