Letter fun

We have been showing an interest in letters in recent weeks.  We have been involved in playing a variety of games which help us to develop our letter recognition.  Many of us have also been experimenting with letters at the drawing table.  If your child is interested, you can encourage him/her to learn the letters in his/her name and point out these letters on road signs, restaurants, in books etc.  Please remember to use the letter sounds (ah) rather than the letter names (ai, bee, cee etc).



We continue to develop our skills in taking turns and talking to our friends.  This week we have been very interested in playing a shopping themed game which helped us develop our skills in turn-taking and talking and listening to our friends.  You can develop this skill at home by encouraging your child to play a variety of simple games with their friends, family and siblings.

Flying – am

Many of the morning children have shown an interest in flying objects.  Mrs Ogilvie led this group in a discussion to find out which area of flight they would like to find out more about. They used a talking tub to stimulate discussion and thinking.  It contained a variety of interest sounds, textures, pictures and objects related to flight.    It became very apparent that they were very interested in balloons, airplanes, space and maps.

Paper Airplanes

This week the afternoon children have shown an interest in making and flying paper airplanes.  They worked hard to create a range of airplanes at the drawing table and then experimented with making them fly in the nursery corridor.  This is an area we hope to develop with them further.   Please add any comments on the planning wall if you have any additional suggestions related to this topic.

Nursery Pre-School Garden Party

The nursery staff have been planning a variety of different activities for our garden party on the afternoon of Tuesday 28th June.  We think that the children would really enjoy having someone to come along to do face painting and/or balloon modelling.  If you know of anybody who might be available to do face painting/balloon modelling, please let us know by leaving a comment on this post or come and speak to any member of the nursery team!  Thank you!

Policy of the Month – April 2016

This month our policy of the month is:  Transition to Primary School.

Please offer any comments by replying to this post.

Transition to Primary School 

The transition from pre-school to Primary One should be as smooth and pleasant as possible. 


Throughout the year we aim to familiarise the children with the school building, its environment and people in it.

Nursery staff take small groups of children as ‘messengers’ leaving nursery and going to other areas of the school:

  • office, janitor, HT, DHT, other classes

Children make weekly visits to use school equipment and facilities:

  • gym/ dining room for physical activities
  • P1. Green Unit for use of interactive whiteboard / AV room
  • library
  • morning class join infant assemblies (when appropriate)
  • both morning and afternoon children attend special presentations or participate in whole school events

A more concentrated programme of activity takes place during the summer term.

 Whole class make use of school environment:

  • the sensory garden
  • playground
  • sports field

The theme ‘Starting School’ takes place in the nursery.

Display / discuss items required for school –  school uniform, school bag etc.

Children will produce a piece of art work to display in their P1 class area for their arrival in

August .

Nursery staff take children on visits to the P1 class area to become familiar with the ‘new’

surroundings. Pupils who have not attended Cults Nursery will be invited on a pre-school visit. P1 teachers visit children in Nursery.

A series of visits to the school playground for ‘playtime’ will be initially out with normal school ‘playtimes’ and will be supervised by nursery staff. This will be followed by playground visits accompanied by infant classes.

Staff accompany all pre-school children during nursery hours to the dining room for snack and the children are made aware of routines involved in school lunch.

Composition of P1 classes –  to be taken into consideration

  • special needs
  • behaviour
  • friendships
  • age
  • gender
  • maturity

Pre-school Transition – Transfer of Information 

Information on individual child’s experiences including strengths, difficulties  and interests so that primary staff can plan for continued development and progression in learning.

Each child will have:

  • Evidence of progress in Nursery through Interactive Learning Diaries including assessments, drawings and photographs of the child and classmates engaged in nursery activities during their preschool year
  • Children to visit P1 and spend time in unit familiarising themselves with surroundings
  • Verbal information to be passed on to P1 teacher


Complete ‘Phoenix’ enrolment forms – information about child from parents.

Visit to P1 class area / meet infant staff with Management Team

Induction Talk and Induction into Primary 1 Booklet