Open Day Feedback

Please take a moment to read the feedback from parents and children following the open day.  Overall, feedback was extremely positive with the majority of parents listing, ‘seeing the fun activities,’ ‘seeing how they interact with other children,’ ‘visiting Primary 1,’ and ‘the welcoming staff’ as the most positive aspects of the day.  The children’s feedback showed that almost all children enjoyed the open day with most listing, ‘playing with mummy/daddy/granny’ as the best part of the day.

The majority of parents stated that the open day could not be improved with many stating, ‘it’s perfect!’  The few that did suggest improvements suggested less evaluations and more personal feedback as suggestions for future open days.  Please see the ‘You said, Our Response, Action’ table on the feedback below.

The feedback will also be displayed in nursery.  Thank you to all of those who took the time to offer feedback.  We continue to value your responses.

Children’s Feedback

My favourite bit was:

  • Playing with water and playdough
  • Showing mummy the arts and crafts
  • My family coming
  • Making an Easter card
  • Colouring
  • Sandpit
  • Drawing Easter bunnies
  • Going to school
  • That mum did the craft
  • My friends being funny
  • Mummies and daddies coming
  • Playing with Lego
  • Hugging mummy
  • Showing mummy and daddy the office
  • Showing my sister what I do at nursery
  • Going to P1
  • Showing mummy my lovely friends
  • Showing Grandma my nursery
  • Cars
  • Going through to the school
  • The baby frogs
  • Everything
  • Colouring with my sister

What could make the open day even better?

  • Cupcakes
  • Easter chocolate
  • If mummy came earlier
  • Singing a song
  • Eating sweeties
  • More hugging mummy!
  • It was a bit tiring
  • If my brother came (he chose not to)


Parent feedback for blog

open day you said we did



Open Day

Thank you to everyone who joined us for open day last week. The children loved showing their parents, grandparents and siblings around the nursery. Here are some of our open day photographs!

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Easter fun

The children have been learning about the Easter story in nursery. They had lots of fun decorating hard boiled eggs and rolling them down a very big hill! We talked about why people roll eggs at Easter time and the children enjoyed talking about their own experiences. They also enjoyed hunting for chocolate Easter eggs in the garden!


Open Day Reminder

This Thursday is open day at Cults Primary School and Nursery.  The school will be open from 9.15 until 10.30am and 1.45-3pm.  All are welcome.

Please note: parents must enter via the main school entrance, not the nursery door, and sign in in the dining room before coming through to nursery. 

Forest visits

The nursery children have really enjoyed their forest visits this week. The children noticed that the yellow boundary ribbons had moved out a little bit this time. They were completely engrossed in exploring the forest and they discovered lots of new things. They were excited to find a thank you letter from the fairies of Cults Forest. The fairies wanted to thank the children for the lovely houses that the children built during the last forest session. Some of the children decided to build things for the fairies to do in the forest. The children built swimming pools, football pitches, swings, see saws, gardens and much more. It was fantastic to see the children using their imaginations and trying out their own ideas.

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Observation Upload from home

We have started printing of some photographs that parents have uploaded onto the Interactive Learning diaries of learning at home.  Please feel free to upload any photographs of any learning that takes place at home whilst logged in to the Interactive Learning Diaries.  You could look on the ‘Look at me Learning at Home’ wall to get ideas for things people have uploaded.  Some parents have chosen to upload photographs of visits to farms, baking experiences, sledging, painting etc.

It is lovely for the staff to see what the children get up to at home and it gives us an ideal opportunity to build upon home learning within the nursery.


Nursery Focus Group meeting

The next nursery focus group meeting will take place this Thursday.  Parent members: please collect the agenda from your child’s tray.

Items to be discussed are:

  • Feedback from the Interactive learning diaries
  • Parental involvement on trips, forest sessions and curricular events
  • Future events and trips

Please talk to a member of the nursery staff if you would like to join the nursery focus group and are available this Thursday.  We are particularly looking for am parents.  Chocolate biscuits are provided! 🙂

Minutes from the meeting will be posted on the Blog and in the nursery corridor next week.