CLIC Targets – 25/04/2022

CLIC Targets for the week 25/04/2022:

C – Squiggleworth (Step 2ii): I can partition a 4-digit number.
Remember to:
-write the 4-digit number
-draw the sticks
-copy the units digit
-copy the tens digit and put a zero on the end
-copy the hundreds digit and put two zeroes on the end
-copy the thousands digit and put three zeroes on the end
Try these: 3675, 7981, 9223, 3607, 1552, 9015

L – Practise the facts of the 6x table up to 12 x 6. Try playing a game like Hit the Button to get faster!

I – Pim the Alien (Step 3): I can swap units of measure.
For example, 2kg+ 3kg = 5kg is the same as 2cm + 3cm = 5cm

C – Addition (Step 27): I can solve any 3-digits + 2-digits. For example, 432 + 88 =
Remember to:
-park up the 100s
-solve the 2-digit add 2-digit
-add the 100s back on
Try these: 732 + 79 = __, 398 + 64 = __, 476 + 58 = __, 274 + 37 = __, 193 + 28 = __

You can practise these targets each day.

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