Our Learning in Term 1

During Term 1, Primary 4 pupils have been focusing on the following:

Topic – Caring Citizens (who helps us, what we can do to help others, UNCRC) and Our Community (what facilities are available in Kincorth, mapping the area).

Maths – 2D shapes and 3D objects, patterns and relationships, Mathematics-its impact on the world, past, present and future plus ongoing Big Maths.

Writing – Recounts, including biographies and diaries.

Health and Wellbeing – Mental, emotional, social and physical wellbeing with an emphasis on resilience and bouncing back.

CLIC Targets – 27/09/2021

CLIC Targets for the week 27/09/2021:

C – Counting Multiples (Step 4): I can count in 3s.

L – Practise the facts of the 3x table up to 12 x 3. Topmarks.co.uk has a great selection of games, including Hit the Button. See the link below.

I – Doubling and Halving: Doubling with crossing 10s (Step 3): I can double 2-digit numbers.
Remember to:
-partition the 2-digit number
-double the tens
-double the units
-put them back together again

C – Subtraction (Step 21): I can count to the next multiple of 10 on a 100 square.
Remember to:
-find the 2-digit number
-count along the row 1 number at a time
-say what the total gap was

Please note that some targets were covered last session. We are reviewing these for consolidation. You can practise these targets each day.
