Lunch Menu

Staying at School for Lunch?

School lunches with a choice of menu are provided.  These are cooked at Scotstown School and the week’s menu displayed in the foyer.  Lunch tickets can be obtained on any school day from the school foyer between 8.45am – 9.00am on Mondays – Fridays, either in books of 10 or singly if necessary.  Since the price of school meals changes from year to year please check with the school for the current cost.

Children should write their name on each dinner ticket.

Emergency arrangements for a pupil to have lunch can be made by telephoning school.

Families eligible for free school meals can receive application forms at the school office.

Pupils choosing to have packed lunches are supervised along with children having school meals by the Pupil Support Assistants and members of the teaching staff.

Click on the image above for Aberdeen City Council Lunch Menu

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