P4-7 Homework

Below is a letter from Mrs Dalziel regarding P4-7 Homework this year.

As part of our ongoing drive to raise attainment in literacy, Primary 4-7 homework will focus on the consistent application of correct spelling, vocabulary and punctuation in written work, rather than on learning words for a spelling test.

Spelling sounds and words which are the focus of classroom teaching will be shared and can be practised at home for the period of time set – these may be common or tricky words or linked with a specific phoneme.  Class teachers will be looking for these words to be spelled and used correctly in all pupils’ written work, not just in a spelling ‘test’.  Weekly literacy homework tasks may be linked to these spelling words or commonly misspelt/misused words (e.g. their, there and they’re; your, you’re) or punctuation and grammar practice, editing, proof reading or other.

P4-7 pupils will undertake Guided Reading sessions in class throughout the week and visit the school library regularly where they can select texts of their choice to read at home and/or in school.  Pupils are encouraged to read for pleasure at home; class teachers will issue suitable reading texts and a set task to be completed at home within a given time.  Pupils are also encouraged to bring texts from home into school to read and discuss in class.

Other homework will be issued each week which will include relevant numeracy and maths topics and activities linked to classroom learning.

Please contact the class teacher/s or me if you have any queries regarding homework.


Lorna Dalziel

Depute Head P4-7

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