Homework for Monday 5.11.18


  1. Write each spelling word three times in your neatest handwriting.
  2. Write your spelling words in silly sentences. Use each word once.


  1. Practise your times tables. Try to challenge yourself by choosing tables you need to work on. Please take time to complete/have a go at the following games:
  1. Hidden Message worksheet

TopicUse books, leaflets or go online to research job(s) you may like to do when you are older. Write the answers to your questions in your jotter.

  1. What job might you like to do when you are older?
  2. Why does this job look interesting or enjoyable to you?
  3. Do you need any specific qualifications or skills to do this job?
  4. If yes to Q3, how do you get these skills or qualifications?

This American website is a good place to get started if you aren’t sure or what information on several jobs. https://www.bls.gov/k12/content/students/careers/career-exploration.htm

1st – 5th October

This week we have been reciting poems for National Poetry Day. We were reading poems and acting them out. We have made emojis and we had Grow a Fiver . I really enjoy playing my brothers stall, I won 2 times!

By Ciaran


Using the Grow A Fiver slime stall as an example for our Maths budget planning activity.

Great teamwork!
Planning a budget requires great concentration.
This group performs
The People Upstairs by Ogden Nash
This group performs
“Please do not feed the animals…” by Robert Hull
This groups performs The Witches Spell by Shakespeare.
This group performs Morning Rush by John Foster
This group performs
The Small Ghostie By Barbara Ireson

Homework for 8.10.18


  1. Alternatives to ‘said’ worksheet.
  2. No new spelling words this week. You will be tested on 15 words from previous weeks. Learn all the words you have had so far then get someone to help you do a practise test in your jotter.


  1. Maths worksheet
  2. Using a bank card poster (optional extra challenge!). Make an illustrated step-by-step guide to taking out £30 from an ATM. Research online or ask an adult to help you. Each step should be written down clearly and your pictures should be colourful.


ReadingSelect a novel of your choice and read it at home. Complete the tasks for Monday 8th October:

  1. Draw a picture of one of the characters from the book. It should be colourful and detailed.
  2. Write a short description of your character that you have drawn. Add labels if necessary. In your description you can include what they look like, who they are friends with, their likes and dislikes, their personality (Eg. kind, clever, bossy) and the main things that they do in the story.

TopicBring in a Fairtrade product or a picture of one.