
 So far In Primary 7 we have all loved experimenting with art and one of the prime examples of that are the zentangle animals which we all made. I made a giraffe, I loved creating new patterns to cover it.
We used special handwriting pens to make intricate designs and put more detail into these masterpieces.
The variety of animals is huge. They range from pandas to even a cute wee alien, eagles and cats, too many to list!
I have really enjoyed art this year and I have to say the Zentangle animals have been my favourite.

I instantly knew I wanted to do a giraffe since it was my favourite animal but what I did struggle with was the shape and the design of it. I was going to do a full body giraffe. But the design I went with was a total accident! I was practising lines and curves and I made a shape that looked like a giraffe and decided to go with it.

We used a lot of sources to come up with the patterns. Miss Travers made up lots of practise designs for us, some people used the Internet for ideas and some people drew it out. I kind of made it up as I went along. I was quite pleased with the outcome. I worked really hard on it and it was a great activity

By Sarah

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