Category Archives: Sciences

Space Menu

In science with Mrs Hendrin we have been learning about the International Space Station, Tim Peake and researching space food. We designed menus to send up to the Space Station. Everyone had to understand that we couldn’t send crumbly foods up to the Space Station. We also had to include Vitamin D and calcium to ensure that the astronauts are kept healthy. All of us had to do lots of research to check that our choices were allowed in space. We were put in pairs to come up with the best menu, I was with Jenny. Together we came up with some brilliant ideas! Our best idea was the pizza doughball. Mrs Hendrin was very happy with what we had come up with, she then told us to make a menu on a piece of A3 paper and explain what you need when making it. I really enjoyed showing the class what we had come up with and presenting. I have really enjoyed this topic !

By Aimee