Category Archives: Literacy

Storyteller Visit


As part of our Scottish and Burns Week, Emily’s mum came in to tell us a few traditional Scottish Stories. She started by telling us an enchanting tale all about a very well know Scottish mythical creature, The Kelpies. The story told of a young boy who was poor and his father was not well so there was no-one to plough the fields. When his mother told the boy the mysterious tale of The Kelpies the boy wanted to see one and capture it to help out on the fields. Susan told the story in great detail and expression and you really felt as if you were part of the story. She told of another story, this story was about how lots of different landmarks in Scotland were made. Also this story was themed around a mighty dragon called Stoorworm. My favourite was an interactive story where she called up about 5 children to pretend to be trees. I had heard this story before and I went up to be a tree at another venue. I am a great friend of Emily’s and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Susan’s amazing and interesting tales.

By Sarah

Christmas Presents

Our class were trying out how to wrap a Christmas present. Miss Travers showed us what to do then we had a chance to try it out. The first thing we did was get a nice wrapping paper and get everything else that we needed. After we had done that the whole class tried to wrap their own Christmas present. Once we had wrapped our present we decorated them and put a label on it so people knew who it was for. We then got out our Big Writing jotters and wrote out our instructions. Miss Travers gave us a list of things our instructions had to include.  We wrote a list of what you needed and then steps of how to do it. Each of the steps had to start with a different word so it didn’t sound too repetitive.  A few days later Sophie, Jenny, Lara, Elle, Taylor and me had lots of fun opening them!
By Rachel