Category Archives: Technologies

Space Menu

In science with Mrs Hendrin we have been learning about the International Space Station, Tim Peake and researching space food. We designed menus to send up to the Space Station. Everyone had to understand that we couldn’t send crumbly foods up to the Space Station. We also had to include Vitamin D and calcium to ensure that the astronauts are kept healthy. All of us had to do lots of research to check that our choices were allowed in space. We were put in pairs to come up with the best menu, I was with Jenny. Together we came up with some brilliant ideas! Our best idea was the pizza doughball. Mrs Hendrin was very happy with what we had come up with, she then told us to make a menu on a piece of A3 paper and explain what you need when making it. I really enjoyed showing the class what we had come up with and presenting. I have really enjoyed this topic !

By Aimee

Hour of Code

Today we started some coding. We used an online website and we had to solve puzzles using code. First we tried the Star Wars version, then Minecraft and finally the Frozen version.

“At some parts it was quite easy, but other bits were hard. I tried different techniques if I got stuck.” Emma

“It was really fun and enjoyable but I thought it was quite frustrating at times but I kept on trying.” Sophie

“It’s definitely a trial and error game. The good thing is, if you make a mistake you just try again.” Sarah

“I thought it was fun because you can change the game to make it your way. You can change the score and change how people behave. I didn’t realise that programming was so easy, it went through it really well so we understood.” Euan

“My favourite part was at the end because you used everything you’d learned to create your own game. No-one was telling you what to do, you could choose.” Etienne

“I found it challenging but you could choose a different way to do things, you could choose a different path.” Sam

“I found it exciting. It’s a game where you can choose what to do so you have lots of freedom.” Callum

“I really like it because you could learn new problem solving skills and it taught you a lot without you realising it.” Kiera

“It talked you through everything. It started easy and got harder and harder.” Lara

“Its enjoyable while you are learning to code. There’s a lot of variety and there’s lots to do.” Matthew M


Ardroy Models

During October, we went to Ardroy so when we got back to school, we decided to create some models to send up to the instructors. I was in a group with Etienne and Lewis. We decided to make Jacob’s Ladder because it was our favourite activity. We made our model with all sorts of materials, at first it wasn’t stable so we had to use stuff to keep it up. Eventually we finished our model and we had to create a drawing and type something to explain to them why we made the model. I found the Ardroy models quite challenging but fun.

We later used an augmented reality app called Aurasma. Miss Travers filmed each group talking about the trip and we superimposed the videos over our models. The models have now been sent to Ardroy and anyone who uses the app will be able to watch our videos.

By Matthew M