Category Archives: Social Studies

Chinese Dragons

We listened to a Chinese legend about a dragon then we made our own.
The story we listened to was about a very old dragon who had flown down from a nearby mountain to die but the hated King wanted the dragon killed anyway to be more popular. He hired the best dragon killer in all the land to kill the old dragon but he didn’t because he knew it was going to die so he returned and the King was furious but he didn’t stop try and hired the second best dragon killer in the land. But he also returned without killing the dragon, this made him so angry he could have stomped his feet but he didn’t. He hired the third best dragon killer in the land. He went to see the dragon then came back and agreed to do it and killed the old dragon, ignoring the warning the previous dragon killers had given about the dragon. The dragon blood poisoned the land so that crops didn’t grow for 100 years and the smoke that came out of the dragon’s nose blocked out the sun.

After we made Chinese dragons out of paper. It was quite simple. We drew the shape of the head and cut it out the added some horns, eyes, beards and teeth. Then we made the body by folding paper.
Here’s the website we used if you want to make your own.

By Euan

Saint George and the Dragon

We have started our Myths and Legends topic and we’ve been listening to lots of stories. Miss Travers read us the story of St. George and the Dragon. Some versions of the story have George killing the dragon, but in others the dragon is actually quite friendly. We looked at the clothes and equipment that a knight might need. We looked at images of shields on the internet then we started to make the shape of our own shields. Once we had made our shield we started to cut it out, and then we decorated them. Some people put animals or mythical creatures on their shield, quite a lot of others made swords. There was a variety of things to do. I chose to make a lion and two swords. The shields look great on the classroom wall.
By Matthew M

Space Menu

In science with Mrs Hendrin we have been learning about the International Space Station, Tim Peake and researching space food. We designed menus to send up to the Space Station. Everyone had to understand that we couldn’t send crumbly foods up to the Space Station. We also had to include Vitamin D and calcium to ensure that the astronauts are kept healthy. All of us had to do lots of research to check that our choices were allowed in space. We were put in pairs to come up with the best menu, I was with Jenny. Together we came up with some brilliant ideas! Our best idea was the pizza doughball. Mrs Hendrin was very happy with what we had come up with, she then told us to make a menu on a piece of A3 paper and explain what you need when making it. I really enjoyed showing the class what we had come up with and presenting. I have really enjoyed this topic !

By Aimee

Storyteller Visit


As part of our Scottish and Burns Week, Emily’s mum came in to tell us a few traditional Scottish Stories. She started by telling us an enchanting tale all about a very well know Scottish mythical creature, The Kelpies. The story told of a young boy who was poor and his father was not well so there was no-one to plough the fields. When his mother told the boy the mysterious tale of The Kelpies the boy wanted to see one and capture it to help out on the fields. Susan told the story in great detail and expression and you really felt as if you were part of the story. She told of another story, this story was about how lots of different landmarks in Scotland were made. Also this story was themed around a mighty dragon called Stoorworm. My favourite was an interactive story where she called up about 5 children to pretend to be trees. I had heard this story before and I went up to be a tree at another venue. I am a great friend of Emily’s and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Susan’s amazing and interesting tales.

By Sarah