Tag Archives: St Mun’s Primary School

Literacy Fun at St Mun’s Primary

St Mun’s Primary staff and pupils enjoyed a very successful evening when they invited family and friends to an end of term Family Literacy Night.

The evening began with Primary Seven pupils reciting a famous Roald Dahl poem ‘Television’ that warns of the danger of too much TV, whilst reminding us of the joy to be had from books and reading.

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Fyne Homes Competition

Last term, pupils at St Mun’s Primary, Dunoon, were set an unusual family challenge. The school worked in conjunction with Fyne Homes, who were building a new housing development near the school. Families were invited to choose a name for the estate. There was a good response to the competition and a wide range of names were suggested.

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Fundraising Fun At St Mun’s

During the Lenten period, the pupils of St Mun’s Primary were challenged to organise and run events to help raise money for two important charities: SCIAF and The Cowal Hospice Trust. Throughout March, a variety of activities took place: a Bring ‘n’ Buy Sale, Easter Egg Hunt, Guess the Name of the Easter Bunny Competition and a Chocolate Tombola. P.6/5 researched Scottish recipes and produced their own Cookery Book and P.7/6 ran a Coffee Morning to which parents and parishioners of Our Lady and St Mun were invited.
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