Literacy Fun at St Mun’s Primary

St Mun’s Primary staff and pupils enjoyed a very successful evening when they invited family and friends to an end of term Family Literacy Night.

The evening began with Primary Seven pupils reciting a famous Roald Dahl poem ‘Television’ that warns of the danger of too much TV, whilst reminding us of the joy to be had from books and reading.

Families were then free to go around the school and take part in activities at their leisure: They could read/listen to stories, tell a story together and even write a family poem. There were opportunities to play literacy games and to design and make a book mark. Parents/carers could get an understanding of how story writing materials are used in school and how we use technology to support pupils.

Families were able to see the selection of library books that are displayed in the units we were fortunate to receive from Dunnon Libray, when it moved to its new premises. They were able to purchase books from the school Book Club, bring along books to swap and even choose free books from a vast array of books that were no longer used by the school.

The Parent Council were on hand to provide refreshments to those who had worked up a thirst from all their hard work!

The evening was a wonderful opportunity for parents/carers to see the work that is done in school, become familiar with resources that are used by pupils on a daily basis and get an insight as to how they can support children at home. All who took part agreed that it was fun to try activities together as a family, in an informal and happy atmosphere.

A big well done to all those who supported the event: family members and friends who came along and took part with enthusiasm, pupils who took pride in showing them around the school, staff who gave up their time to organise and run activities and our Primary Seven class, who helped to plan and advertise the event and who acted as guides and supporters on the night.

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