Tag Archives: Park

Primary 3 Ancient Greek Day!

Primary 3 in Park Primary School have been learning all about the Ancient Greeks this term! They found out where and when they lived, what their lives were like and how they have influenced our lives today. As a final outcome the children planned and hosted an Ancient Greek Day on Tuesday 25th March to share their learning with their families. There was an excellent attendance on the day and everyone had a great time!!

Continue reading Primary 3 Ancient Greek Day!

Park Primary Fairtrade Fortnight!

Park Primary School has been a Fairtrade School now for over four years. This year the focus for Fairtrade Fortnight was bananas so Primary 3 wrote to local supermarkets Lidl and Tesco who kindly donated Fairtrade bananas to the school! Over the fortnight all classes had a focus on Fairtrade and found creative ways to use the bananas!

Continue reading Park Primary Fairtrade Fortnight!

Samba Drumming at Park Primary

During this term the pupils of Primaries 6/5 and 6 in Park Primary have had instruction in samba drumming from Steven MacNally. Over 6 weeks the classes worked hard to learn the rhythms for each instrument culminating in each class performing for 2 younger classes. P6/5 (pictured) will be performing with Steven at the Learning Festival on the 10th March at the Corran Halls. We can’t wait.

Park Primary 3 Protect an Acre of the Rainforest!

In the Autumn Primary 3 in Park Primary School undertook an interdisciplinary study on The Tropical Rainforest and as part of this they compared the local temperate rainforest, Dunollie Woods, to the tropical Amazon Rainforest. As a final outcome for their learning the whole class took part in an informative assembly at the end of November which was performed in front of the other children as well as any family members who wanted to come along. At the end of the assembly donations were collected and have now been used to protect an acre of the Rainforest through the Rainforest Concern Organisation.

Park Pupils Impress at Burns Event!

A few weeks ago, Primary 7s at Park School entered the Burns competition at the Corran Halls. After weeks of preparation, the pupils took part in different categories and clearly impressed the judges as they returned to Park with 10 medals in total! These were as follows: silver and bronze in Recitation; silver in Solo Singing; gold and silver in Instrumental; gold and bronze in Art; and gold, silver and bronze in Writing in Scots.

Congratulations to our Primary 7s – we are very proud of their achievements!

Park Primary Apple Day

Park Primary School celebrated their second Apple Day since the creation of the school orchard which was funded by Grounds for Learning and Heritage Lottery Fund.
Both pupils and staff showed great imagination dressing up for the theme of the day ‘British Grown Fruit and Vegetables’. And what a variety it was: blueberries, broccoli, apples, tomatoes, strawberries, potatoes, carrots and even a runner bean (school janitor) that did laps around the hall and put smiles on everyone’s faces. Continue reading Park Primary Apple Day

Park Primary’s Trip Through The Decades

Park Primary’s P6/5, P7/6 and P7 classes all took a trip through the decades during their end of year concert last night (Thursday 20th June) to celebrate 40 years of Park Primary. From the 70s to the present day, the classes performed songs and dance routines to “old favourites” such as Abba and Queen and even performed a hilarious sketch of “Blind Date”! The hall was absolutely packed and a great time was had by all audience members, cast and crew involved in the show. Well done to everyone who took part and performed so well last night!

Continue reading Park Primary’s Trip Through The Decades

Park Primary 3/2 in Lorn Outdoor Film Festival!

This week has seen the Lorn Outdoor Film Festival taking place in Oban Phoenix Cinema. Park Primary 3/2 class scripted, acted and edited one of the films being showcased, with the help of Sam Harisson. The film had a Fairytale theme and was set in Dunollie Woods, featuring all members of the class. The whole class had great fun creating the film and are enjoying watching it on the big screen!

Continue reading Park Primary 3/2 in Lorn Outdoor Film Festival!

Park Primary Fairtrade Cake Bake

Park Primary School held a two day Fairtrade Cakebake last week. Many of the pupils and staff baked cakes and biscuits using at least one Fairtrade ingredient to show their support towards Fairtrade products during Fairtrade Fortnight. This was a huge success and raised £340.01. Well done to all the bakers and thank you to all who came along and spent some money!

Park Primary Swimming Success!

Park Primary School is celebrating recent success at the Inter School Swimming Competition.  Park won the overall competition for the first time ever, coming home with 23 medals and a shield.  Between the 9 swimmers, 16 gold, 4 silver and 3 bronze medals were awarded from a mixture of individual and relay events which took place throughout the day of Friday 10th November at Atlantis Leisure Centre, Oban.   The prize winners were: Ella P5 – 6 golds, Fergus P6 – 5 golds, Mia P7, 1 gold & 1 silver – Sam P6 – 2 golds, Cara P7 – 1 silver & 1 bronze, Cameron P7 – 1 silver & 1 bronze and Calum P5 – 1 silver & 1 bronze.

Beach Clean

On Friday 26th October, Park Primary became the first school in Argyll & Bute to gain the 5th Green Flag from Eco School Scotland.  The inspectors were delighted with the school’s continued commitment to environmental education.  During the past 2 years, we have concentrated on Litter, School Grounds and Sustaining our World topics.  Alison Kennedy led out work on fair-trade and we were the first primary in Argyll & Bute to gain accreditation as a Fairtrade School.  Ilona MacLaurin led the project to create a School Orchard which is thriving in an area at the front of the school.  Other areas of work which were commended was the school Gardening Club, run by Barbara Macfarlane.  The club grew a wide range of fruit and vegetables and have also made a deluxe bug hotel.  We are very proud of our 5th flag!


Primary 4 children from Lochnell were invited to attend an event at Atlantis Leisure where they could try out a variety of racket sports – table tennis, badminton, squash and tennis.

They all enjoyed the opportunity to try a new game and improve on skills they had acquired in more familiar games. It was also great to mix with other children from Park Primary in Oban.  Since their return to school they’ve been creating pictures to show others some of the sports they took part in.

Continue reading Racketathon

Primary 7 at Park School celebrate Roald Dahl Day

As Primary 7 are currently setting up the school library, they thought celebrating Roald Dahl Day would be a great way of promoting the library and encouraging younger pupils to read.

The class organised a shared reading session with Primary 1 to show them that reading can be fun.  They chose Roald Dahl’s ‘The Enormous Crocodile’ to read to the infant class and what a success it was!  Primary 7 showed great patience and enthusiasm throughout the session and it was thoroughly enjoyed by Primary 1, so much so, that the classes are now talking about setting up a weekly slot to continue promoting reading within the school.

Continue reading Primary 7 at Park School celebrate Roald Dahl Day

Susie Wolff films documentary at Park Primary School

Susie Wolff (nee Stoddart) returned to her old Primary School to film her upcoming documentary ‘The Fastest Woman in the World’.

Susie and the BBC2 film crew, led by her brother, David, visited Primary 7s at Park. It was a very exciting afternoon of filming and the children excelled themselves by asking hard-hitting questions and creating new F1 designs for Susie to judge.
The class were certainly star struck and cannot wait to see themselves on TV when the documentary is finished.   Continue reading Susie Wolff films documentary at Park Primary School

Oban Lorn and the Isles Spring Tag Festival 2012

More than 150 Primary School children from the Oban area attended the recent Spring Tag Rugby Festival hosted by Oban Lorne RFC. The event which was organised by Scottish Rugby Modern Apprentices Emma Roxburgh and Fergus Matheson was delivered as an end of season friendly tournament for all the primary schools who have taken part in the Tag Rugby Programme this school year. The event was run in Partnership with Active Schools co-ordinator Dale Kupris and Rugby Development Officer Allan Wright who assisted with the organisation of the event.

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