Tag Archives: Dunoon Primary

Smoke Free Me

On Friday 24th October we went to the Queens Hall to see Smoke Free Me! The actors were fantastic. In the show the characters were called Ziggy with the Ciggy, Willie Tryit and Claire Air. The show was about a time machine and Willie Tryit and Claire Air tried to stop Ziggy from smoking. Ziggy went back in time to meet a tobacco lord and a scientist who talked about the link between lung cancer and cigarettes. We sang songs and a rap! They were called Smoke Free Me, Make Smoking History and Keep it to yourself.

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Halloween Disco fever at Dunoon Primary!

Dunoon Primary School’s Parent Teacher Association treated the pupils from P4-P7 to a fun filled evening on Wednesday 30th October. The pupils took part with the help of our teachers in dooking for apples, stringy doughnuts and whats in the feely box? The hall was beautifully decorated with lots of spooky characters! A very busy hall filled with squeals of excitement and laughter and there was no shortage of unusual outfits!

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Dunoon Primary School Visit Castle House Museum

Dunoon Primary School’s P5 class visited the Castle House Museum on Thursday 3rd October as part of their Interdisciplinary Topic about Cowal. The children enjoyed learning about Cowal in the past and comparing the differences between now and then! The exhibits they enjoyed most were the film show, replica of the inside of Highland Mary’s House, Victorian Classroom and looking at all the paddle steamers that used to sail up and Doon the Watter!!

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Dunoon Primary Pre-5 get new uniforms!

Dunoon Primary pre-5 children are delighted with their new uniforms! Parents and children chose the colour and Emma Murray, who is now in Primary one, designed the “Rainbow Mountain” logo, which was used to decorate the nursery corridor. Well done Emma!

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SLF training at Dunoon Grammar

16 pupils from Dunoon Grammar and Dunoon Primary took part in a training day to prepare them for hosting the Argyll & Bute stand at the SLF.
The theme of the stand this year is our SAL blog and the training included demonstrating SAL on iPads and learning techniques for engaging with visitors to the stand.
The pupils displayed a deep knowledge of IT and throughout the day they developed confidence in presenting SAL. Continue reading SLF training at Dunoon Grammar

Felting at Benmore Gardens

On Thursday 5th September P5 and P7 spent an amazing day at Benmore Botanical Gardens with their teachers and support staff. On Friday 6th September P6/5 and P7/6 also enjoyed a fabulous day at Benmore. Cath and Katie from the Education Service in Edinburgh’s Botanical Gardens were the superb instructors during the visits. Each class got the fantastic opportunity to make felt, incorporating an image of a plant or greenery. These had been freshly picked from the gardens to provide inspiration for the felting project.

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Raspberry Pi computing @ Dunoon Primary School

Pupils from Dunoon Primary have enjoyed using their I.C.T. skills to learn the basic principles of computer programming using Raspberry Pi.  The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card-sized computer developed in the UK costing around £30.  It runs open source software and can be connected to a computer screen or TV.   It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games.

The Raspberry Pi is designed to be a motivating platform with the goal of making programming straightforward.  Pupils from Primary 5 to Primary 7 have been supported by Argyll and Bute’s, Gary Clark – a real life programmer! –  to explore and use the features of Rasperry Pi. They look forward to showcasing their skills and talents to Education Scotland next week.

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