News from Cardross Primary School

Commonhealth games
Cardross Primary had a visit from Hopscotch theatre company. They performed ‘The Commonhealth Games’, it was a super production enjoyed by everyone!

Interschools Area Athletics
Cardross performed well at the recent Interschools area athletics with thirteen medal winners!

Alimacs Inter schools tennis tournament
Pupils at Cardross took park in the Alimacs Inter schools tennis tournament. It was a wonderful afternoon with tennis squads from Cardross, Rhu and Lomond school.

Duchess Woods Toyota Relays
Cardross Primary were also running in the Duchess Woods Toyota Relays. We were delighted with the performances from all of our pupils and we were very proud of our medal winners.

Percy The Park Keeper Transition Events
Percy the Park Keeper is keeping us on our toes in Cardross. He has been spotted working with Cardross Playgroup, Nursery Rhymes, the library and the school to provide an excellent Pre 5 transition! Thank you Percy!

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