Christmas Holiday

On Wednesday at school at 2.30 we are going to go home early instead of 3.30 and you could bring your DS games and you DS or Ipod.

Christmas Party

Tomorrow is the christmas party at the scool and in the morning the pre 5s are having threr christmas party and in the afternoon the P67,P45,P43 and P12. By Eleanor

Christmas Dinner

On Friday 16th December our school had a Christmas dinner and we had roast turkey dinner and we had crackers then we had our pudding it was ice-cream shaped as a Christmas tree and wrapped in chocolate.

By Eleanor

Christmas Dinner

Today it was the Christmas lunch and I was a pack lunch and we all had fun and pulled christmas crackers. After break we went down to the hall and watched the panto and it was so funny then we went back to class and we got christmas cards and lined up for going home. Me Jodie and Alicia were playing football and I went for dinner and Jodie went home and me and Alicia were playing football and we went home and I got dressed for bed. By Ciara.

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First log on to glow.
Then switch in on and go to fire fox.
Next click on the glow button.
After that click on the go to glow button at the top of the page.
Finnaly put your username in and your password in to the little boxes, that have the words username and password. Then wait 2 seconds and click on the p4/5 button and you should be on.

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