P2 Home Learning- Monday 11th of April

Good Morning!

Our activities for the week can be found below. We have included an extra Powerpoint as Miss Foote has set a whole school ‘Rights Respecting School Challenge’.

We will be starting phone calls again this week, so make sure to keep an eye on your phone for a withheld number or blocked caller ID.

Once again we had lots of pictures to share for our Friday blog post so please continue to send us pictures of all your hard work, we love seeing what you have all been getting up to!

Good luck with today’s task.

Miss Craig and Miss Morland

Home Learning Grid Monday 11th of May Literacy

Numeracy Home learning Monday

Home learning grid P2 Other Curricular Areas WB 11th of May 2020

P2 PE – Week Beg 4 May

Windyknowe Primary School RRS Challenges P1-3 11.5.20