Williamston’s Handball Team

Today was the new Handball team’s first tournament. Great sportsmanship was shown by all and we won some of our matches. Particular mention must go to Alexander in scoring six goals, including a hat trick, and to Melissa for a super goal keeping display. Well done to all. Our next tournament will be at the end of November when the other squad members will have the opportunity to play.


Hamish, Hoggles and Boggles

We all really enjoyed making our Tattie Bogles which were great fun and they have brightened up our classrooms and corridors.

We will soon be saying goodbye to Hamish and his friends. I wonder who we’ll meet next?

Our timetables are changing on Monday. Primary 3/2 has gym on Monday and Wednesday. P2 will have gym on Monday and Thursday. P2/1 have it on Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to bring your kit on a Monday for the week.

Now that the weather is changing please also remember to bring outdoor footwear suitable for all weathers and a warm waterproof coat.

In French we will be learning a new phrase every week. Next week we will be answering the register en Français!

The Friendly Dragon visits Primary One!!

What an exciting afternoon we had yesterday. When we came in from lunch there was fairy dust all over our classroom floor. We wondered where it had come from and then we saw that a letter had been left for us. The letter was from a Friendly dragon who desperately needs our help. Fairyland has disappeared and all the Fairytale creatures are so sad. We are going to help the dragon to rebuild Fairyland and have already been designing how we think the new fairyland should look and writing letters to the dragon to let him know we’re happy to help!

P7 – A Busy Few Weeks!

We are all excited to start Term 2 of P7 (can you believe it?!) and look forward to all of the new challenges it brings. We had a very busy few weeks before the October break and the holiday was well deserved! Camp was a huge success and the children were fantastic. Each child demonstrated enthusiasm and particpated in all activities, whether they were taking part, ‘belaying’ or encouraging their peers. It was inspiring to see how the boys and girls were so supportive of each other! Thanks to parents and carers for their support with camp preparations, too!
The week after camp was extremely busy too! On Tuesday, we visited the Sky Skills Academy and learnt how to make a news report for TV. We learned so many skills that we can transfer and take back to school. Directors, producers, camera operators, reporters, witnesses, and editors were just a few of the jobs involved. Mrs Carral and Miss Brown were sure they could spot a few future stars and ‘Oscar worthy’ performances! There were some fantastic individuals behind the camera too who kept things running so smoothly!
Then, on Wednesday, we visited The James Young High High School for the German Language Adventure, where we played some fun games and learned German phrases! We explored JYHS to find various clues and questions. It was great to explore the high school too, especially for those of us that will be going there next year!
On Thursday, P7a visited Lowport where they enjoyed cycling and canoeing after winning the ‘Cycle to School Competition’ when they were in P6. They had another action packed, fun filled day, gaining confidence and new skills!
Term 2 is another busy one, with our upcoming camp assesmbly, where we will be sharing with the other pupils our experience and some advice (especially for P6!) about what to expect! We will also be preparing for a Children In Need assembly so we encourage all the boys and girls to think about at home some fun ideas! Our WWII topic will be starting soon and we are sure the children will be excited to share what they know about the topic and what we will be learning.

What we’ve been up to in P3

We have a had a busy few weeks in Primary three!  Here’s just a few things we have been up to………

In Maths topic, we have finished learning about Pictograms and Block graphs and today we started using Venn diagrams to sort information.  This is all part of our information handling topic.  We also started to create a mind map of everything we have learned in our Maths topic so far and will continue to add to this as we learn more.

It was money week last week, so we also set up a Post Office in our cloakroom space for Maths topic lessons.  This was an excellent opportunity to combine money week with our Katie Morag topic and use role play to explore what happens in a Post Office just like the one Katie Morag’s family run.  We also played a variety of money games.

Last week we also had the opportunity to use Sumdog in school which is a Maths website Williamston subscribe to.  We have all had a look around the site and played lots of fantastic Maths games, and this week we will be coming home with our own personal login to use Sumdog from home.  Our teachers are asking that we always use our school login to access Sumdog from home and that we all try to play some games before we come back to school after the October holidays.  Please can our parents help us with instructions, but try to let us answer the questions ourselves.

Also in our Katie Morag topic, we have been exploring what makes an island and comparing life on Coll (the island Katie Morag’s Isle of Struay is based on) with life in Livingston.  We have learned that the one thing that is the same for all islands all over the world is that they are surrounded by water.

In literacy lessons, we have been continuing to develop our flow and expression when we are reading and have been using our skills to illustrate parts of our reading books, create character profiles and identify the meaning of unfamiliar words.  We are also writing letters to Katie Morag as we felt this was the best way to get answers to the many questions we have about her life on Struay.

In PE, we have began learning Scottish Country Dancing!  The boys are being proper little gentlemen and asking the girls to dance.  We are learning a Canadian Barn Dance and next week we’ll try to music!

We have been having great fun in food technology lessons with Mrs Logan.  We have made toast and fruit kebabs so far and next week we’re making Katie Morag’s favourite – porridges!





We’ve definitely earned our October holidays!



Money week in nursery

During money week, our role play area has become a grocers/cafe. Our children have enjoyed dressing up in our chefs outfit and setting a table for customers or being a sales assistant, scanning through customers purchases. We have also offered fresh fruit/veg to purchase in the grocers, this has helped the children explore textures and smells of real produce. Within numeracy Grouptime and at our math table, we have investigated and grouped different types of coins. We have identified coin characteristics by size, colour and value. Some of our children have started to for the beginnings of a graph to help analyse the information.imageimage

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