P4 do Rabbie Burns Play-in-a-Day!

In P4 we were lucky enough to take part in a drama workshop day with Stacey and Cameron from One Day Creative. The title was Rabbie Burns, A Play-in-a-Day – and it was all about the life and works of Scotland’s National Poet, Robert Burns. Luckily we had already learned quite a bit about him and his poetry and songs, so we had lots of information to share. We all had a part to play in the show and we worked really hard to learn our lines and say them with expression. Remembering all the actions and directions wasn’t easy! We discovered there are lots of talented actors and actresses  in P4! The highlight of the day was performing the play to an audience of other pupils and teachers. It was an amazing experience!

Tree Diagrams in P4

In P4 we are continuing with our Information Handling topic and had fun sorting and displaying information in tree diagrams. We did a few class examples which included questions about foods that we like and pets. We then had the chance to work in groups to make our own tree diagrams and survey our classmates.

Museum On the Mound

Primary 5b had a fantastic time at the Museum on the Mound in Edinburgh today,  where we learnt a lot more about money.

We travelled to Edinburgh on the train from Livingston South and even survived the walk to and from the station through the wind and rain!!

We all completed 3 workshops about money – What is Money?, Making Notes and Heads & Tails. We learnt about all different types of currencies throughout the world like coco beans, shells and even tea leaves. We looked at coins and how they all have a heads and tails side with particular pictures on them. We also got to make our own coins! Lastly we learnt about notes and created our own paying particular attention to the security measures.

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P5a Equality

Well done to all of P5a for the huge effort they put in for our assembly on Friday. It was a huge success delivering a very important value to the school. It was also well received by our very very important visitors from India. Well done. Here is our power point. Equality and  Imagine Pictures

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Equality Assembly in P3b

We had been working very hard in Primary 3b since returning from the holidays to get our assembly together, and successfully presented all of our learning on Friday’s assembly for Primary 1-3 and Parents and Carers who came to watch.

Our assembly was on the Value of the month for January which is Equality, and we spent time in class discussing what this meant and how we could tell everybody else about it.

We sang songs, read the story of Rosa Parks who fought for Equality, read an equality poem and told everybody about the inequality some children still experience around the world in a video we made.  Mr Brice also helped us make a video about sharing smarties to see if Williamston pupils (and staff!) could share equally with each other.

We had lots of fun doing our assembly for our audience and Miss Robertson is very proud of how hard we have worked and how wonderfully we presented the assembly for everyone.

P2 and P2/1 Show Magic Grandad Their Toys.

There was lots of excitement this week when we brought our toys to school. Magic Grandad couldn’t believe all the different kinds of toys we have! We showed him how we can sort them in different ways. Why not tell a grown up at home how the toys were sorted? What happened to the toys that didn’t go in the hoops?

Mr Muldoon took us for P.E. and we learned lots of different ways to hold our body in gymnastics. Which was your favourite?

Have you been practising your Scottish poem at home? We will soon be reciting them in class!


This is a Diary of Primary 6 This Week

Monday:First thing in the morning we had P:E we done Gay Gordon’s.After P:E we done some French learning how to say our lunch in French that took us up to break. After break we had an assembly and then started maths about fractions. Since we did not get much done of maths before lunch after lunch we carried on doing maths and that was Monday.

Tuesday:We had maths in the morning which took us up to break. After break we had to do French and then health then it was lunch. After lunch we had Social studies then some people had choir – busy busy busy we are in P6!

Wednesday:First we had P.E then we had RME and then it was break. Then we have maths till lunch – more FRACTIONS! We will be the best at them before we know it! After lunch we had music with uklelles (do  you know what they are?) then drama – acting acting acting! We are a talented bunch us…

Thursday:we had two blocks of maths. Here we learnt about the mean, mode and median – all types of averages. We made a learning tool to help us remember them too.  In Writing we found some braw Scots words by using a variety of tools (dictionaries, devices, each other!) and we found SYNONYMS in a class challenge. Our Literacy Circle HMK was also set.

Friday:in the morning we had a Word Challenge starter  then assembly – all about EQUALITY. We read our blogs and class news and then did GOLDEN TIME – WOOHOO.


BY Olivia and Katie (Our first time blogging… what do you think?).


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