Primary 3 Scottish Poetry Winners

Our seven class competition winners did us proud this morning at the school poetry competition.  They were confident, spoke loud and clear and we heard and saw some super expression and actions from all of them!  Miss Robertson, Mrs Stephen, Mrs Mayhew and Mrs Cameron and all of Primary 3 thought they did an excellent job at representing us in front of the P1-3 classes and teachers and our special competition judges.

Well done Ben, Lucy E, Morgan, Lucy L, Hamza, Andrew and Josh!



The judges said they had a very tough time choosing a top three and so they decided to award a first place and then a joint second place.

So in joint second place we have…………..


Lucy E and Morgan from P3b!!  They both performed “Mince and Tatties” by J.K Annand.  Well done Girls!

And in first place……………..


Hamza from P3a!!  Who also performed “Mince and Tatties”  Well done Hamza!


Well done to our three winners and all our other competitors – you all did a fantastic job!

Primary 3 Update

Greetings from Primary 3a and 3b!

We have had a busy week as usual and have lots of news to share.

The Numeracy team have been in Williamston this week, and we were lucky enough to have some time with them in class.  We showed off our Maths skills and have been learning new strategies to help us with mental arithmetic.  We are learning to be more efficient when answering a Maths question and are able to share our strategies with the rest of the class.  We are trying to remember that the best strategy to use involves the least number of steps to get to the answer.  In topic Maths, we have been learning about numbers from the past and have designed a product that uses Mayan, Babylonian, Greek, Arabic or Egyptian number systems.  Our calculators, remote controls, clocks, phones etc were colourful and exciting and we had great fun adding our chosen symbols to represent numbers.  This has been preparing us for learning about Roman numerals next week.  We will be exploring numerals and using them in maths work and have been asked to bring a cardboard tube into school to turn into a Roman scroll.

On Monday afternoons, we have been taking part in dance classes with a visiting teacher.  Amy has been bringing out our inner divas, and we have been strutting our stuff around the big hall.  We are dancing to “Happy” to promote our Growth Mindset attitude.

Our teachers were very proud of us all for doing such a good job reciting our Scottish Poems!  We have all had the chance to present our poem to the rest of the class and here are the top three who will perform at tomorrow’s School poetry competition

3a…………… Hamza Khan, Andrew Farquhar and Lucy Livie

3b……………Lucy Egan, Morgan Gess and Ben Brady

Well done, we all wish you the best of luck!

We started our new Science and RME topics this week.  In Science we are identifying what objects are made from in our Materials topic.  We used the “Box of Mysteries” to select objects, and then decided what we thought they were made from.  In RME, we are beginning our Islam topic and revised our knowledge of the Mosque this week.  We discussed the inside and outside of a Mosque.

P5a visit ‘Museum on the Mound’

The P5a children had a superb trip to the Bank of Scotland’s museum. We learnt about the history of money and about different items that have been used instead of money in the past. We learnt about the history of coins and we got to make our very own coins. We learnt about bank notes and how they are designed to make it difficult to fake. A great day out and we took the train to get there. What an adventure! I wonder what did the P5a children find the most interesting?

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SSPCA visit to P4

In P4, we were delighted to receive a visit from the SSPCA to help us learn about the work of the organisation and Scottish wildlife. We enjoyed the presentation and video, then had fun playing a game with a partner to learn some facts about different animals and birds. This visit will really help us with learning about living things in Scotland. Thank you SSPCA!

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