P7 portraiture and proportion

P7 portraiture P7 portraiture P7 portraiture
P7 have been working on facial proportions and enjoying some sketching. Look out for some Elizabethan inspired artwork during showtime! Did you know that painted portraits became very popular in the 1500’s? Actually, around the time Shakespeare lived; he became somewhat of a celebrity and artists wanted to paint portraits of him!

March in P7

March is going to be an extremely busy month for us all in P7! Of course, we have our show to look forward to and we are rehearsing a lot (these show songs are really getting stuck in our heads now)! The show is called ‘Shakespeare Rocks’ and yes…you guessed it, it’s all about William Shakespeare! It’s very funny and we can’t wait for the whole school and our families to see it; we’re working very hard! We are really enjoying the whole experience and it is also giving us the opportunity to learn about Shakespeare too!

There are two opportunities to see the show, with an afternoon and evening performance. All P7 children were given a letter with all the details regarding tickets last week. We also would like to ask that if anyone has any Tudor/Elizabethan costumes and you would consider kindly to loaning them to us for the performances, it would be much appreciated! All costumes would be returned to you after the last performance!
All P7 children were sent home with a maths booklet with different concepts for them to apply the maths skills they have been developing at school. We have worked extremely hard in maths over the last few weeks identifying strategies and using our ‘How to..’ jotter to record what we have been learning.

Don’t forget you should also be learning lines for the show and learning the lyrics for all eight songs (which are included in the script).
Not long now until ‘showtime’ and we can’t wait!

World Book Day

World Book Day was celebrated in style with another successful book swap and lots of class activities.

The highlight of the day was the Potato Book Character competition. The judges were blown away with the number of entries and found it extremely difficult to choose the winners from each stage. Congratulations to all the winners and everyone who took part – all the entries were amazing!


We enjoyed sharing our learning at a whole school assembly. The nursery children had fun presenting their Gruffalo artwork, Primary 1 and Primary 2 told us about their favourite books and Primary 3 read “Whit the Clockleddy Heard” in their best Scottish accents! Primary 4 presented their learning about Holy Books and other religious stories and Primary 5 gave a wonderful performance of a song from “Matilda”. Primary 6 shared Dr Suess with us and Primary 7 taught us all about William Shakespeare! Thanks go to the library reps who led the assembly.

Remember to exchange your World Book Day token and “Keep on Reading”.

P3/2 celebrate World Book Day

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P3/2 had a wonderful time celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. We created some fantastic potato characters…A huge well done to all those children who took part!

We also enjoyed creating book token designs and bookmarks and had the opportunity to do some paired reading with our friends.

Today, we performed a Scots story or personal account of our favourite book in assembly in front of the whole school! It was great fun having the opportunity to share our learning.

We have also been taking part in fairtrade fortnight and created some fairtrade artwork, using fairtrade colours and images. Today, our class brought in 10 fairtrade snacks for playtime! Well done!


P4 French

P4 are very lucky to be having the expert help of Mrs Kasparek to learn French this term. We have been taking part in a variety of fun games and activities to understand and use French vocabulary. Merci, Mrs Kasparek!

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