Maths in P7

Wow! We cannot believe that the P7 pupils are in their last term at Williamston Primary school! We have been very busy in maths.

P7 have been exploring long division and dividing a 3 or 4 digit number by a 2 digit number with and without remainders. They have been really challenging themselves and using a fun strategy to help…
Does – Divide
McDonalds – Multiply
Sell – Subtract
Cheese – Check
Burgers – Bring down

This process supports us with long division and ensures we do not miss a crucial step. It would be great if P7 could keep practising this at home too.

P7 have also been thinking about important our times tables are in helping us to divide and thinking about the stations in each times table eg. the 5 times table: 5, 10, 15, 20 etc…

This term P7 will be focusing on…

Time – working with 12 and 24 hour time, using timetables, exploring time zones, Exploring the link between speed, distance and time.

Shape – properties of 2D/3D shape.

Money – budgets, money challenges.

Mental agility: strategies for quick and effective addition, subtraction, division and multiplication.

The link between decimals, percentages and factions e.g 50% = 0.5 = ½

It would be great if you could support your child with these concepts at home. Children will be given maths homework each week to consolidate what we are working on in class. Please also see your child’s homework grid for a list maths websites and games.

Many thanks, S Brown and K Carral

Primary 1A’s Inspire Afternoon

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Basketball success!

A huge congratulations to our basketball team who came second place in the school basketball tournament. (Only beaten by 1 point!)

We also had Joshua Harvey getting most improved player and Jenni Torrance was voted, by all the coaches, as Player of the Year.

We are very proud of you all!

P6 Maths Update April-May




Wow P6 we feel like we are flying through our numeracy and maths curriculum this term.


Time is our big focus this term, along with worded problems, daily mental agility work and looking at our maths targets too.

In Time… we will be looking at the following. Ask yourself, can you…?


* apply understanding of the relationship between 12 hour am/pm and 24hour notation to read and set time on analogue and digital clocks

* write times for morning and afternoon in different ways

* change 12 hour clock to 24 hour clock and vice versa.

* understand that a timetable is: -a schedule listing events and the times at which they will take place -a schedule of times of arrivals and departures

* know that timetables are used to help to plan events and activities

* know that timetables display times in either 12-hour or 24-hour time

* read, use and interpret 12 and 24 hour times on a variety of timetables

* calculate time intervals to interpret timetables

* calculate durations of time using both 12 and 24 hour times




* estimate simple time durations

* calculate how long a journey or activity will take/took in hours and minutes

* know that speed is the distance travelled per unit time e.g. 40km/h means that we travel 40km in 1 hour

* know that there is a connection between time, speed and distance which helps us estimate how long a journey should take

* use proportion to estimate how long a journey takes, given the speed and distance

* understand that for a fixed distance, the faster you travel, the less time the journey takes

* estimate and select the shorter /longer route in a range of problem solving contexts

* begin to use knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance to estimate and calculate speed, distance or time in a variety of problem solving contexts without the use of a formula or the D/S/T triangle.

Primary 4 Maths Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

This term in Primary 4 we are:

  • Rounding numbers (to the nearest ten e.g. 34 = 30 or 456=460 and hundred e.g. 542=500).
  • Ordering numbers using the greater than > and less than < symbols e.g. 56<67.
  • Practising strategies for addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers, mentally e.g. partitioning, using a number square or using a number line.
  • Revising multiplication tables (2,4,5, and 10) and associated division facts.
  • Practising strategies for multiplying a 2 digit number by a single digit e.g. doubling a 2 digit number e.g. 24 x 2.
  • Making and counting amounts of money and finding change (from a maximum of £10).
  • Expressing the time in digital and analogue format for o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, and then extending this to 5 minute intervals.

It would be great if you could support your child with these concepts at home. Many thanks, J McMillan and F Mackie

Well done to P3/2 for their achievement certificates

Last week was another busy week in school. We were learning about food chains in science and enjoyed talking about the different foods which animals eat.

We worked hard to describe monsters in our writing lesson and used lots of wow words to make our writing very exciting. I wonder who will be star writer? We will find out on Thursday.

A big well done to Ross E, Josh, Lewis and Anya who all recieved achievement certificates in assembly from Mrs Hollands.


P3 have been working hard on dividing numbers. We know that it is important to share equally.

P2 have been practising splitting numbers into tens and units.



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