28.10.16 P7

Today most of the girls are at ‘Active Girls Day Festival’ at James Young High School to take part in lots of different activities. The rest of P7 have been working on posters to let the school know about our Remembrance assembly on Friday 11th of November.

P7a have began a new Topic on WW2 and are really looking forward to learning more. P7b will be beginning to explore this more soon.

We have been exploring the Global Goals and focusing on Goal 5, Gender Equality. We finished analysing our surveys and calculated the gender ratio to see what percentage of men and woman have influential and decision making roles in our community. We reflected on what this means and how it fits in globally.

In addition to this we have been working on newspaper articles. We have been learning how to write a great newspaper article and focusing on writing in columns, in the third person, using past tense and writing catchy headlines.

A big focus for us in maths is addition and exploring different strategies to allow us to add up larger numbers. We are feeling more confident with this already!

We are really excited about our trip to The Risk Factory next Wednesday.

Have a great weekend!

P7, Miss Gardiner and Miss Brown

P5b Week ending 28th October

This week P5b have been learning about countries from South America. There are 12 countries in South America. We made posters in small groups.

In PE we have started learning some badminton. We have been looking at doubling in maths. Some of us have been given some brass instruments to learn.

We had a great fun at the halloween disco. Jack Duffy won the boys best costume competition. There was a fantastic pumpkin competition. We did apple bobbing, pumpkin golf and grabbing doughnuts.
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Welcome back to P4a

We all enjoyed our October holidays and we shared our experiences with each other in Check-In and in our personal stories that we wrote this week. We are ready for Term 2 in Primary 4. We are lucky to have an extra teacher this term – Mrs Knowles is a student teacher who will be helping us in our learning for the next 5 weeks.

In Maths this week, we have started revising number bonds to 20 and linking addition and subtraction facts. We should be able to recall these number facts quickly and accurately so it would be great if adults could help us to practise these at home also. We have been taking part in “Number Talk” sessions where we are given a problem to solve and we discuss our strategies for finding the answer.

In our Water Topic we  thought about how water is used in our houses and we each made a water drop with one of these uses for our display. We considered what we need water for and what we want water for – we all agreed that the most important use of water was for drinking to keep us healthy and alive!

In RME, we are learning about naming ceremonies in different religions. This week, we learned about Christian Baptism and Christening ceremonies. Some of us created a poster to show the important practices and traditions. We have also been thinking more about the Value of the Month – Patience – and talking about how we have been patient in our lives.

We are continuing to read the BFG and have had fun exploring some of the language used by Roald Dahl. We made our own mini-dictionaries to explain what some of his words mean.

Many of us enjoyed attending the Halloween Disco. We loved dressing-up and taking part in the pumpkin competition. Thank you to the PSA parents and staff for organising this event.

Happy Halloween!

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This week in P4B

Hello all. This week has been a very busy week as we prepare to deliver our assembly on Friday morning on the value of the month, ‘Patience.’ We really do hope to see as many of our friends and family there as possible! Also, we have started addition in numeracy, written a personal piece of writing about our October break, discussed needs and wants in relation to water use and we have identified the key features of a Christian Baptism. Another busy week – goodbye!

This week in P4a – week beg. 10.10.16

In P4a this week we have been busy with our literacy learning. We read a selection of “blurbs” from our class and group reading books and then created a blurb of our own for a book of our choice. We were careful not to give away the ending! We wrote another imaginative story too. We looked at our self-evaluation sheets on our stories from the previous week and tried to meet our writing targets. We also started learning about different types of words: nouns, adjectives and verbs.

In maths, we have been counting in 1s, 10s, 100s, and 1000s and finding the number 1, 10, 100, or 1000 more or after a given number.We also had an assessment on place value to see what we have understood and what we still need to work on.

In our Water Topic, we learned about how water is treated and cleaned before it comes to our houses. We watched videos to discover more about the different processes involved and we investigated filtration by filtering some dirty, muddy water using filter paper.

We have been learning about The Global Goals as part of The World’s Largest Lesson. There are 17 goals that aim to end poverty, inequality and climate change by 2030. The focus goal  for 2016 is Gender Equality. We heard a story about a girl called Malala who campaigns for the right of girls to go to school. We read a comic strip cartoon about gender equality too – Chakra the Invincible – which is set in Mumbai. We all had homework to complete where we had to find out if the important people and leaders in our local area and country are male or female. We are looking forward to studying the results soon. All this links with the UNCRC and our Rights Respecting Schools work – Article 28: You have the right to a good quality education.

We have had a good first term in P4a, but there’s lots more to come after the holidays. Happy holidays!

Primary 2 and Primary 2/1

The boys and girls in Primary 2 and Primary 2/1 have had  a very busy week. The week started with a mini-beast hunt on Monday afternoon. It was so much fun looking under leaves, poking the dirt with sticks and trying to find all the mini-beast hiding places. We cannot wait to do this again when we go on our park visit on Thursday 27th October. Let’s hope it is a dry day. Thank you to all parents and carers who have returned their permission slips.

Our sound for this week is ue/u-e/oo/ew. Watching the ‘Alphablocks’ film clip really helps us to think of lots of words. Perhaps we could be sound detectives when we are on holiday next week. Why not post any words you find on the blog?

We have been busy working with numbers up to 70 this week. Our teachers think we are getting so much better at counting backwards. We love playing the 3,2,1 game. We have also been trying to use the most efficient way of finding the answer to add and subtraction sums. It is so helpful listening to how other boys and girls find their answers. After the October holiday we are going to take part in a weekly speed challenge. Our teachers always tell us if you know your little sums you can do your big sums!

This week we were also thinking about Harvest. During Circle Time we shared what we were thankful for.

Some thoughts from the boys and girls:

Emily – I am thankful for broccoli.

Carlie – I am thankful for tomatoes.

Max – I am thankful for pumpkins and carrots.

Sam T – I am thankful for Weetabix.

Jasmine, Daniel & Mekhi – I am thankful for strawberries.

Lily – I am thankful for the harvest.

Jessica – I am thankful for the flowers.



Our busy week in Primary One

Can you believe our first term in Primary One is nearly finished?!

What a fun and busy time we have had. Our teachers are so proud of how well we have settled into school and are enjoying helping us on our learning journey.

This week we started to learn tricky words and they really are called tricky for a reason!! These words don’t always sound the way we think they should so to help us learn them we need as much practise as possible. The words introduced this week were: I, the and he.

You may have noticed a word wall in our reading folders. These are the words we will be working on in class for at least the next 6 weeks. There is no set completion date for this activity.

We have really enjoyed being part of the whole school community this week. Some P6 pupils have been working with a DJ and invited us to a disco to showcase their new mixing skills. We are looking forward to the Harvest assembly today when we will get to sing our favourite combine harvester song…chug, chug, chug, chug, chugging away!!!!

Have an amazing holiday and thanks again for your continued support.

Be The Best You Can Be!

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