News from P2 and P2/1 20.2.17

This week we were learning words with the ‘ sh’ sound. We love using the chubby pens to practise our words. Magic Grandad left us some chalk boards like the ones he had when he was at school. We cannot wait to use these !

Our teachers have loved reading our stories about spending the day in Magic Grandad’s classroom. They cannot believe the number of children who got the cane or had to wear the Dunce’s hat.  Thank goodness times have changed.  We are hoping Magic Grandad will visit us this week so that we can discover more about life when he was at school.

We have been working on doubles and near doubles within 20 , near doubles are really hard but we just need to keep practising and we will get better. Why not practise our doubles song at home?

The biggest highlight for P2/1 this week was their Assembly. Everyone thought P2/1 was amazing. I wonder what we will do to show fairness this weekend?


Our thoughts about this week:

Anna and Mia enjoyed add on sums using screens.

Jasmine Orla and Carlie enjoyed stories about being at school with Magic Grandad.

Emily and Amy enjoyed coming to parents’ evening.

Ruaridh and Mekhi enjoyed practising patterns for their elephant art work.

Max enjoyed working with clocks and learning half past times.

What exciting things will we learn next week?

This week in Primary 1 24.02.2017

This week in Primary One we have been learning to count to our special number – 26 and backwards. We also enjoyed singing a rap song that help us learn the doubles. This week we have been working on the number story of 5. We noticed the patterns in the sums and also that some of the sums have buddies – 3+2=5 and 2+3=5

We were busy practising our Tricky Words and reading words. We worked very hard to blend sounds together to help us read and spell. We used our blending skills in story writing when we described what we wear to a party.

The Friendly Dragon came to visit again and this time he left a mirror and an apple and asked us to help him save Snow White. We got to decorate mirrors and shiny apples. We also made shadow puppets to help us retell the story. We had lots of fun helping Snow White set the table for the seven dwarfs.

We continued learning about our senses and this week we focused on the sense of touch. We used our perceptions to describe what different objects feel like. We had so much fun using the ‘Feely Box’.

P4a’s active 2 weeks!

Our P4 Handball teams competed in the P4 Cluster Handball Festival recently. We have all been learning handball with Mr Muldoon in P.E. in P4 and the teams had extra practise sessions with some helpers from JYHS. All our teams did really well and won lots of games. We demonstrated good sportsmanship too!

The rest of the class took part in a Fair Trade afternoon workshop where we prepared for our P4 Cluster Fair Trade service which is next week. We split into groups to research Fairtrade products using I-Pads and laptops and find out where they come from. Everyone had a different role in the groups – painting pictures and flags, making PowerPoint slides and writing words for the script. We presented this at the school’s Fair Trade assembly and we are now ready to do it for the other P4 children at the Lanthorn Centre on Tuesday 21st February (please return permission slips asap and parent helpers needed also).

Our Brown Trout are progressing well as alevins and soon they will turn into fry and be ready for release. We are continuing to chill the water with ice bottles twice a day and monitor the temperature.

In Maths, we are now focusing on division and linking this with multiplication and times tables. We have explored division using cubes, pegs, people (!) and other objects and we are developing our understanding by drawing pictures. We have also been using different types of calendars to find special dates and work out how long things are in days and weeks.

In Language, we had a reading assessment to test our comprehension skills in finding facts and opinions, identifying the writer’s purpose and point of view, and finding causes and effects. We studied the Robert Burns poem Willie Wastle and used Scots wordbank sheets , dictionaries and the internet to work out what the Scots words meant. We showed we had understood the poem when we drew a picture of Willie Wastle’s wife and cat. We then wrote our own Scots poems about a “beastie” or animal, again using the Scots wordbank sheets and dictionaries to help. We are also working on the presentation of our writing by re-drafting our work and learning to join letters.

We are busy preparing for Parents Nights next week. We have been setting and evaluating our targets and identifying our next steps in learning. We have also done lots and lots of I-JournAL filing! We look forward to sharing our I-JournALs with our parents and carers soon.


P7b 17.02.17

It has been a busy and quick week in P7b!

We have been given our parts and allocated production groups for the P7 show. This week we have been working hard on blocking scenes with Mrs Thomson and creating action plans in our production groups. We are very excited to reveal more soon about our show this year!

In PE with MR Muldoon we have been developing our skills in gymnastics and using the big equipment. We really look forward to this on a Thursday.

As part of our work on exploring the Global Goals we have been putting together comic strips for younger pupils to help share the message about Gender Equality: Global Goal 5. Ask us more about this!

We have been focusing on fractions in maths and are developing our confidence with simplifying fractions as well as comparing them by using the greater than, less than and equal to symbols.
We have also been working on multiplying and dividing numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 including with decimals.

On Wednesday the school football team had a game against Livingston Village Primary. We won 3-1! We are very proud of you all!

Have a lovely weekend!

P7b and Miss Brown

P4a’s Fantastic Week!

We are delighted to announce that most of our Brown Trout eggs have hatched and have turned into alevins. We are doing a good job of looking after them and making sure their tank is cold. Amy from Forth Fisheries visited us and delivered another batch of alevins too – so now we have hundreds!

For the I-Solve morning with parents and carers, we focused on problem-solving strategies. We did some activities and games that required us to work with others to solve a problem. In Number Maths we looked at the 5 and 10 times tables. We discovered that the 5 times table is half of the 10 times table and this can help us to multiply bigger numbers by 5. In Topic Maths, we have been using our calendars and practising finding dates and working out durations of time in days and weeks.

In Language, we wrote a story about our personal experiences of a time when we have had to persevere at something. This linked to the “Value of the Month” for January – Perseverance. In Reading, we focused on identifying facts and opinions in texts.

Futsal has continued with Laura. We practised our dribbling skills and were competing against each other. Soon some P4s will be taking part in a Handball Festival with other schools so this week those involved had a practise session led by pupils from James Young High School. We now have our SHANARRI display up in the classroom – this shows lots of ways that we can keep safe, healthy and happy at home and at school.

Some of us performed at the Scottish Evening – and we were fabulous! Emma did some Highland Dancing, Hailey recited her Scottish poem and our drama group performed Address to the Toothache by Robert Burns.  In Art with Miss Trotter, we started our wave paintings using shades of blue.

Our Skype session with our partner school in Mumbai was a big success! One of our groups presented their poster about saving water, as did a group from P4b. The children in India also presented their work and posters on saving water. It was fantastic to see them and talk to them in real life!

The children of P2/1 and P2 thoughts this week!

Life in our classrooms is so busy. There is so much to reflect on during our ‘Reflection Time’.

Here are  our thoughts for this week:

Lyle, Jessica, Daniel and Emily are really enjoying counting in 10s off the decade.

Lily loved playing in the ‘ school corner’.

Mia and Yusuf enjoyed counting up to 23.

Nevan and Katie were ever so curious to find out more about Magic Grandad’s school.

Alana, Parvana and Ruaridh really enjoying adding on sums using screens.

Jasmine was excited to learn about quarters this week.

A big highlight for lots of children was using the big apparatus during gymnastics.

Well done to Orla, Sam J, Lyle, Anna, Adam, Katie C,  Niamh, and Leah on receiving their Achievement Certificates.

We are all very proud of Alana and Caitlin for representing P1 and P2 at the Scottish Evening.



P4a News

We are pleased to announce that we have now received the brown trout fish eggs and they are in our tank! Forth Fisheries delivered the eggs last week and it is now our job to look after them! We have to keep the water cold and we do this by using bottles of ice which we change twice a day. We are looking forward to seeing them grow…

One Day Creative, the drama company, worked with us on Robert Burns’ birthday, 25th January. We took part in a half-day of drama workshop about the life of Robert Burns and Burns Night. We practised our dancing and acting skills and worked together with others. At the end of the day we teamed up with P4b to present a short play to the rest of the school.

We have been learning the Robert Burns poem Address to a Toothache with Mrs Thomson our drama teacher. Some of us will be performing this at the Scottish Evening soon. Well done to our finalists in the P4 Scottish Poetry competition – Hailey, Rocco and Patrick. We are so proud of you all!

In Maths, we have been focusing on developing our problem-solving skills. We have been exploring different strategies for solving problems and working with our peers to share ideas and support each other.

In Futsal, we have continued to practise a variety of skills and we are now playing mini-games. Team spirit is important! We are getting better at participating calmly in our meditation and yoga sessions. We are focusing on our breathing and holding poses for longer.

In Science, we carried out an experiment to see what solids dissolve in water. We made predictions and then tested these out.

We have now finished our posters about saving water and have been presenting these to an audience in our groups. We will soon be sharing our learning with our partner school in Mumbai when we hold a live Skype meeting. One group from our class will present to the children in India in an online meeting and we look forward to seeing their presentations too.

P4-7 Scottish Poetry Competition

On Thursday, we held our annual Scottish poetry competition. All entries were outstanding and the judges were really impressed. It is a real skill to be able to fluently recite Scots poetry and our pupils made it look so easy! Well done to all pupils who participated in recitals either within their own classes or at the competition; you are all stars! trim-c5571f68-f8da-4b6a-86d6-f0d2ba4840c0

Another busy week in P2 and P2/1

It has been another busy week in our classrooms and we love sharing our thoughts during reflection time.

In Literacy we have been looking closely at words with the oi/oy sound and trying to remember which one to use. I wonder will we spot any words with oi/oy sound when we are out and about at the weekend?  Orla loved reading “Victorian Adventure” and trying to predict what would happen next. Parvana liked reading “Nobody Wanted to Play” because it was all about the park. Alana enjoyed writing about fairness in preparation for P2/1 assembly in February.

In Numeracy we are continuing to count in 10s off the decade. This can be so tricky especially if our teachers ask us to find, for example, 3 10s before 53. Daniel said counting in 10s was his favourite activity this week. Jasmine and Lyle enjoyed learning about fractions. We are trying not to confuse the word ‘fraction’ with ‘friction’!

We had another visit from Magic Grandad this week. Sam J thought it was very interesting that the boys and girls had their own entrances into school. We were surprised to discover that the toilets were outside!

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who took part in the Scottish Poetry assembly on Thursday morning. We were so proud of you.

Lily thought all her friends in P2A were fantastic at their class assembly about perseverance. Jesse and Katie had to use lots of perseverance to learn the ‘Hokey Pokey’ in the Scottish language during music today.

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