News from P2/1 & P2 10.3.17

We know so much about Fairtrade now. We can recognise the Fairtrade symbol and we understand the importance of buying Fairtrade. Lily and Max enjoyed ‘ working’ in a factory during drama to help them understand that Fairtrade means a better life for everyone.  We enjoyed eating our Fairtrade snacks outside today.

Our spelling this week focused on when to use ‘ ck’ in a word. Why not tell someone at home what you have discovered?

We have really enjoyed learning how to count in 2s . This has been Orla’s favourite activity this week. We have loved singing our special song to help us.

Carlie also enjoyed learning how to make o clock and half past times on an analogue and a digital clock.  Can you remember the rhyme that helps you ? ‘ Hands at the top…’

We were so excited to discover that Magic Grandad had come to visit us again. Nevan loved learning about  the playground games Magic Grandad would have played at school.  How does his playtime differ from our playtime? Why not play one of the games that Magic Grandad would have played this weekend?

3.3.17 P7b

Hi everyone, we have had another hectic but exciting week in P7b!

We are taking part in Fairtrade Fortnight. We have been doing lots of research to find out more about Fairtrade and the benefits to farmers, consumers and supermarkets. We are using this information to write persuasive letters to supermarkets to ask them to advertise Fairtrade products more.

We celebrated World Book Day! We have voted on our favourite book at as a class and will be creating a treasure chest of items to help other classes guess our favourite. We have also loved designing a book token and have been inspired by some of the ‘oodles of doodles’ illustrators!

In maths we have been calculating percentages of amounts and using our knowledge of fractions to help us. We have also started some data handling by exploring different types of graphs and charts. We continue to develop our confidence with mental maths through our number talks.

We had our first show rehearsal in the big hall this wee! We have also been blocking scenes with Mrs Thomson and working hard in our production groups. Look out for posters around the school and information on Twitter and the blog about our show.

The House Captains delivered an assembly today to introduce a competition to choose the House mascots and design shields. Lets get creative!

Have a lovely weekend!

P7b and Miss Brown

A sad week in P4a

We have some sad news to share. Unfortunately our Brown Trout alevins died last weekend. We have consulted with Forth Fisheries and they have explained what they think happened to them. They told us we had done a good job looking after them but there was something wrong with them that meant they did not survive. Luckily, Forth Fisheries have some Brown Trout alevins/fry that are nearly ready for release and so we will be releasing those into Murieston Water next Tuesday.

In Maths, we are learning all about time. We have revised o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to on digital and analogue clocks. We need some more practise at quarter to the hour – it is tricky! We have been exploring how long a second, a minute and an hour are. We used the timers to see what activities we could do in a minute – activities like running up and down the playground, step ups and going round the obstacle course. We also continued our division topic and we are feeling a bit more confident with this.

We enjoyed World Book Day. We learned about famous illustrators and looked at some of their illustrations. Then we practised sketching designs for the Book Token competition. Most of us took part in the Book Swap and got a new book to read.

We have been researching Fairtrade using leaflets and the internet and making notes about this. We used the information to make a quiz and a leaflet. We have been playing Fairtrade games and writing a Fairtrade poem also.

In RME we have continued learning about Hinduism and this week we covered Hindu shrines. We looked at different objects used in a Hindu shrine for prayer and worship. In our Scotland topic, we researched famous landmarks and places using the laptops, i-pads and leaflets. We worked in a group to make a page for a Scotland tourist brochure and this brochure will be sent to the children in our partner school in Mumbai.

World Book Day

Happy World Book Day!

Today we celebrated World Book Day by “doing something booky”. We held a Book Swap in school which was a great success and enjoyed by all the children. Throughout the school, children took part in a wide range of creative activities including design a book token in the style of “oodles of doodles”. We looked at doodles from famous illustrators to get our creative juices flowing!

All classes will be taking part in a Treasure Chest Challenge over the next few weeks. Further details of this exciting competition to follow………

The winners of the Design a Door Book Jacket Competition were announced. Congratulations to :

Alana Miller (P2/1)

Evrynomi Mylonopoulou (P3a)

Patrick Cormack (P4a)

Kyle Craig (P4B)

Aimee Roulston (P5a)

Jemma Harrison (P5b)

Abbie Neil (P6a)

Ruby Wallace (P6b)

Finley Hunter (P7a)

Erin Parson (P7b)

We look forward to seeing your fantastic designs around the school very soon.

Remember, keep on reading!

Dinosaur Extinction

How many dinosaurs did you see on your way to school today?Primary 3a have been studying the different theories as to why dinosaurs died out. There are four theories:

  • an asteroid destroying the earth
  • volcanoes erupting
  • climate change
  • disease spread by insects

We had great fun modelling the asteroid theory out in the playground.

Another Busy Week in Primary 3a

Primary 3a have been creating wonderful dinosaur posters packed with fascinating facts and detailed drawings. Mrs Kasparek has been even teaching us all about dinosaurs in French.

Look at our wonderful dinosaur display complete with topic words. Our teachers are very proud of us!


In science, we have been learning about the properties of materials with Miss Trotter.

In maths we have been learning to tell the time on both analogue and digital clocks. So far we have been revising o’clock, half past and quarter past and will then move onto quarter to.

We continue to enjoy our yoga lessons on a Wednesday. This week we went on a trip to the Arctic complete with walrus, iceberg and aeroplane poses.

Darren came in on Thursday to lead a reflective spaces workshop on fairness. We really enjoyed all the activities.

Fairtrade Fortnight at Williamston!

The Fairtrade Pupil Leadership Group have planned lots of different activities for Fairtrade Forntight from 27 February – 12 March 2017.

This year’s theme is put Fairtade in your break!

FRIDAY 3rd MARCH: Fairtrade Friday
All pupils are encouraged to bring in a Fairtrade snack on Friday 3rd March. Certificates are going to be awarded to the class that brings in the most Fairtrade snacks.

FRIDAY 10th MARCH: Big Fairtrade break!
We will hopefully have this altogether on the field as a whole school and we will be encouraging all pupils to wear the colours of the Fairtrade logo – blue, green and black. Please try to bring in a Fairtrade snack but remember no nuts!

On Friday 3rd and 10th of March we will also be selling Fairtrade bananas and orange juice that pupils can buy on the tuck trolley.

P4,5,6 and 7 – design a new Fairtrade logo.
Nursery, P1, P2 and P3- design a Fairtrade mug.
Whole school – design a Fairtrade tablecloth.

We will be selling some Fairtrade items priced between £1 and £2 that pupils can buy at break time.

Please see attached the key information for the next fortnight. Keep your eyes open for more updates and to see what classes have been up to!


P4a’s Fair Week!

We enjoyed our visit to the Lanthorn Centre for the P4 cluster Fair Trade service with Darren from the Chaplaincy Team. All the schools presented what they had been learning about Fair Trade and also sang their chosen song. We presented our findings from our research on Fair Trade products and the countries they came from. Thanks to Darren and the parent helpers that supported us. We are looking forward to Fairtrade Fortnight next week.

We also took part in a Reflective Spaces workshop on the value of the month “Fairness”. Here we thought about places around the world where things were not fair, for whatever reason, and wrote our ideas for a fairer world. We also thought about what fairness means to us.

In maths, we have been focusing on linking multiplication and division and making array patterns and number lines to help us with this. Also, we have started a topic on time and we have been measuring how long a minute is and trying to complete different activities within one minute. We began revising telling the time with o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour.

In language, we learnt some Gaelic words and sang Scottish songs with Mrs Logan. In French, we have learnt about pets and food and how to ask if we like something or not. We now have a lovely new French display about pets and food. In writing, we wrote thank you letters to Darren and the Handball helpers and we finished our internet safety posters.

The fish are growing well and will be released in about 10 days – more details to follow. In our Scotland topic, we located places in Scotland on a map by using atlases and Google maps/earth. In Art, we finished our wave pictures and we learned about cold/warm colours and mixing colours. In P.E., we continued with yoga and also Futsal.

We look forward to an exciting Fairtrade week, next week!

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