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An update from the Fairtrade group

Hello we are the Fairtrade group and we have been busy working on some ideas of how we can promote Fairtrade Fortnight at Williamston. We have already decided on group roles and expectations. Our Chairperson is Kiera, our link person is Craig, our Treasurer is Rowan and our Secretary is Shay. We have also created pledges which helped us to think about what commitments we will make to our group and school. We have also designed badges for our group. Our link person has been working with the P3,2 and 1 group to set them tasks and challenges. We have a floor book that we write in each week to share our ideas and learning.

Blog post by Hannah, Craig and Rowan.

Congratulations in P2/1 and P2

We are all very proud of the boys and girls in P2/1 and P2 who received achievement certificates today. What do you think you could work on to help you get a certificate at the next achievement assembly?

Our teachers are also very proud of the boys and girls who took part in the recent Scottish Poetry Competition. Well done to everyone, especially our winners.



Super Gran comes to Primary One

100_3831 - CopyOur new topic has us travelling back in time as we discover what life was like for Super Gran (aka Nancy) when she was our age. We have explored the kitchen and were so shocked to discover she didn’t have a washing machine! Imagine it was a wet and muddy playtime? Nancy’s mummy would have been very unhappy with her!! Our friend Emma (a creative Arts specialist working with Primary One) has helped us to imagine what life was like back then. We have been on summer holidays and enjoyed recreating photographs in Nancy’s photo album of her memories.