Category Archives: Numeracy

This week in Primary One

We have now been introduced to all the sounds of the alphabet and are practising lots ahead of our assessment next week. Please help us to learn our sounds and build words at home.

We have been learning about the seasons of the year and love listening to the Pancake manor Seasons song. If you are out for a walk this weekend perhaps you could look for signs and clues that tell us it is Autumn?

Our new number of the week is 11. Can you go on a number hunt around the house or local area to find it? Maybe someone can take a picture of you beside the number 11 and upload it to our blog?

It’s amazing what you can learn in 4 weeks!!!

The boys and girls in Primary One have made a great start to their learning and are settling into school so well.

In Numeracy we have been learning to recognise and name numbers 0-10, counting forwards and backwards and counting the number of dots in patterns as well as trying to make our own dot patterns. At home, games which use dice and dominoes can help us recognise these patterns.

In Literacy we have been learning the following sounds: m,c,k,s,a,i,p,t,n,f,b,h,e,o,u and d. We are learning how to blend/crash these sounds together to make words. Here are some words for you to practise building at home, using the sounds in our tubs: map mat man cat cap can sit sip tin tap tan pen ten hen

We have also started learning some key words for our reading books. Please help us to practise these words when we bring them home on Friday by playing games such as matching pairs with the words.

Primary 4 Maths Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

This term in Primary 4 we are:

  • Rounding numbers (to the nearest ten e.g. 34 = 30 or 456=460 and hundred e.g. 542=500).
  • Ordering numbers using the greater than > and less than < symbols e.g. 56<67.
  • Practising strategies for addition and subtraction of 2 digit numbers, mentally e.g. partitioning, using a number square or using a number line.
  • Revising multiplication tables (2,4,5, and 10) and associated division facts.
  • Practising strategies for multiplying a 2 digit number by a single digit e.g. doubling a 2 digit number e.g. 24 x 2.
  • Making and counting amounts of money and finding change (from a maximum of £10).
  • Expressing the time in digital and analogue format for o’clock, quarter past, half past and quarter to, and then extending this to 5 minute intervals.

It would be great if you could support your child with these concepts at home. Many thanks, J McMillan and F Mackie

P1 Numeracy for the term

Welcome back! We hope you all had a lovely holiday and are feeling refreshed and ready for learning.

This term we will be focusing on the following Numeracy skills:

* counting forwards and backwards accurately within 40 and beyond
* ordering, reading and writing numbers within 40 and beyond
* number stories to 10
* strategies for addition eg counting on from biggest number, using doubles, finger patterns, using numberlines
*making amounts of money to 10p
*counting amounts of money to 20p

A Numeracy Homework leaflet will be sent home next week to provide ideas of how you might support your child’s learning at home. Many thanks for your continued support. The P1 Teachers.

Maths of the Moment in P6…

We are currently looking at HOW we solve problems and sharing strategies. It’s good to share because not only can we help each other, we can perhaps find easier ways, be more accurate and/or look deeper at NUMBER and our UNDERSTANDING.

If you would like to TALK more around SOLVING PROBLEMS, and SHOW YOUR WORKINGS TOO – check out this website, a good challenge for pupils and parents alike.


We often use this in P6 as our starter of the day, or as a mental maths warm up 🙂

Let us know if you use it and of course – HOW YOU USE IT.

In P6 we like to use a range of methods to solve worded problems! How do you do it? What tools do you use to help you?
In P6 we like to use a range of methods to solve worded problems! How do you do it? What tools do you use to help you?

P6 Maths and Numeracy – Term 3


P6 – How are you doing in maths and numeracy? What are your strengths and next steps?

We are currently looking at:

  • Multiplication/Division Facts – How do you solve these? What do you do when the digits become bigger, i.e. 28 x 7?
  • Shape – 2D and 3D. How many sides…edges…vertices…?
  • Angles
  • Word Problems 
  • Maths Strategies Learning Help book

How are you using Sumdog…?