Category Archives: For information

Red Nose Day 2017

We are the Publicity Team from P4 and we would like to remind you about Red Nose Day 2017.

Red noses and wristbands are being sold for £1. Going fast!

Joke competition – enter your year group competition to try and get into the final on Friday. it is free to enter but you have to be funny!

Design a Red Nose competition – this is 20p to enter and there will be red nose themed prizes. Get your sheet from P4 now. We will collect entries and money on Wednesday and Thursday.

Red on the Head – on Friday it is a dress-up day and you can wear something red on your head for a donation. A red bow, red hairspray, red nose, red mask, red wig etc etc.

Assembly – this is on Friday. You will learn more about the charity and how it helps others around the world. This is for pupils ad staff only (sorry – no parents!)

Have fun! Thank you!


Sport Relief 2016

Thank you to all who supported Sport Relief this year!

Primary 4 really enjoyed planning and organising this event for the school as a mini-enterprise topic. The Assembly Group held a special assembly linked to the value of “Determination”, which included a film written and produced by the Film Group, plus a dance made up by the wonderful Dance Group.  All classes dressed in sports clothes and took part in the Try-Athlon, an obstacle course co-ordinated by the Events Group, and also the Competition Group held a “Design a Mascot” competition with lots of great entries. Classes were asked to collect as much small change as possible in the class money boxes made by the Money Box Group, who then had a big job counting all the money.  P3a won with £51.54. The Sales Group worked hard to sell 140 wristbands. The Publicity Group kept everyone up to date with events with posters, tannoy announcements and letters.

P4 are delighted to announce that the total raised was £495.80! Thank you to the whole school community!


Sport Relief 2016

Just to remind everybody that it is Sport Relief this week. It is on Friday 18th of March 2016. There will be lots of fun activities this week for everybody. There will be money boxes in your classroom – please bring in loose change and put money in them if possible. There will be a certificate for the winning class.  We are having a competition to design a Sport Relief mascot, with fantastic prizes. We will also be selling wristbands and they will be 1 pound. On Friday there will be an assembly all about Sport Relief and there will be a fun TRY-ATHLON with sports activities for all pupils. Friday will also be a Dress-Down Day and you can wear sports clothes, including something red if possible. Please bring a donation for taking part.

Thank you for helping us raise money for Sport Relief!

By the Publicity Group from P4100_8284

Special Visit to WPS!

Representatives from Education Scotland and The British Council and a group of education delegates from the Maharastra state, India, recently visited WPS to learn about our Global Citizenship curriculum and our links with our partner school in Mumbai. Pupils and staff were delighted to showcase our learning in this area and the visitors were given a taste of our international projects, Scottish culture and education in Scotland in general. They went on a tour of the school, were given presentations by the International Group and P5 (on their previous book project), visited many classes and attended the Equality assembly. The visitors were also treated to a selection of Scottish foods in the staffroom at playtime. They were delighted with the presents and cards made by each class. Thank you to all who made the visit such a success!



P4b Achievement Awards

100_1919We nominated our classmates for their achievements in a secret vote. Well done to all children who received an Achievement Award!

Connor – For becoming more confident in the class and school.

Jessica – For excellent effort in all areas of the curriculum.

Ryan – For being a great, funny friend who always lets others join in games.

Darcy – For being kind to others and helping people with their work.

Corin – For being a very special friend.