All posts by Mrs Robertson

Solve it Blocks

Our nursery children are beginning to work with Solve it Blocks. This set of 12 large blocks, are designed to support and enhance children’s teamwork, numeracy, literacy, problem solving and health and well being skills. The blocks display a selection of colours, pictures, letters and numbers. Children then have to work together to match a pattern on a card. The patterns get more challenging as the children develop their abilities. Pictures to follow.

Traditional tales and nursery rhymes

In the nursery, we have been busy exploring traditional tales and nursery rhymes. We have been making the houses of the 3 little pigs, we thought carefully about the type of material we would use. We have also looked at sequencing the story of the 3 little pigs, most of us were able to discuss the order of events and put the pictures in order. We have also worked together to perform some stories with our puppets. Additionally, some children chose to design a castle display. We thought to include towers, windows and horses, the horses were the most important part! Along with our castle we designed lots of sparkly crowns and wands. We have enjoyed singing along to lots of nursery rhymes at the end of the day.

Life of a butterfly

As part of our Scottish wildlife challenge, we have been exploring the wonderful life of the butterfly. We have been able to watch our caterpillars grow and grow and are watching out for them making their cocoon. In our group time we watched a video on the lifecycle and tried to remember lots of facts to put into a book. We shared our ideas, drew our own symmetrical butterflies and decided on a design for our page. We have also read ‘The very hungry caterpillar’. We saw the caterpillar munch through lots of food so it can grow big and strong to turn into a butterfly.image



Our favourite mini beasts

During our literacy time we have all been thinking about our favourite mini beasts. We closed our eyes to think carefully about the characteristics of our creatures. Some of us thought of worms, butterflies, centipedes, spiders and ladybirds. We drew them onto a leaf and told our key worker some describing words for our mini beast. We thought of lots of WOW words!

French in the nursery

We have been lucky to have our second French lesson with our special French visitor. We had great fun learning how to say our names whilst playing with the animal puppets. We also learned the names for colours, we had to listen for the colour and run to find the correct colour piece of the jigsaw. We also played ten pin bowling whilst learning about numbers!

Mini Beasts

look closely to see our bug
look closely to see our bug

look closely to see our bug
look closely to see our bug
The children in the nursery have just started to investigate the world of Mini Beasts. We have been looking closely at how each beast moves: do they have wings to fly? do they jump? do they wriggle on their tummy or do they have legs?

We have also renovated our bug hotel and have taken advantage of the amazing weather by getting outside with a magnifying glass to go on a bug hunt.

We have also looked at lots of non-fiction books on mini beasts and discussed how they are differnet from our story books.

Nursery Technology Project

Our nursery children have embarked on the design process for their recycled photo frames. We began with drawing and discussing some ideas and possible designs. Children then voted for which size and style they would like to make and this week we have been taking ‘selfies’ with our I-pad which will then be the photo for our frame. Lots of children have also been working in the ‘woodwork’ area where we have the vice set up with a selection of materials. We have been using our measuring skills to get an accurate size for each side of the frame. When we use the saw we listen out for the noise of an old man snoring, slow and steady does the job. For our homework we are all collecting material to recycle to form our decoration. We are looking for materials made from: wood, metal and plastic.