Tag Archives: #buildingforsuccess

Health Week in Primary 5

What a week we have had in Primary 5!!

On Monday, we spent the day at Stirling Castle and took part in the Mary, Queen of Scots tour – we saw in the Palace, the Bed Chambers, the Great Hall, and walked along the wall to see Mary, Queen of Scots lookout! Ryan our tour guide was great and even crowned a Queen, King and Jester in our group!

Then Tuesday to Friday we have had loads of Health Week activities; Badminton with Mr Elliott, HIIT class with Mrs Saunders, Flower Bomb Making with Mrs Watson, American Football, Football skills, Polbeth Bowling Club, Smoothies on the smoothie bike, Fruit Kebabs in our classroom, Dream-catcher making with our School Nurses and SPORTS DAY! Huge congratulations to St John Ogilvie on winning the House Cup!!!

It has been a very busy but amazing week – huge well done and thank you to Mrs McMaster for arranging everything for us all!

Enjoy the Monday holiday P5 and I’ll see you on Tuesday!! Happy weekend!!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂

Primary 5’s short week!

Primary 5 have been really busy this week even although we’ve only been in school for 2 and a half days!

We started our new Numeracy topic which is Money – we had lots of great discussions around this; where we get money from, how we get money, what different money is like, different ways to earn money. Everyone has put lots of effort into this topic so far, massive well done! This weeks Learning Intentions have been focussing on splitting amount of money using decimals. Next week we’ll be moving on to rounding to the nearest amounts.

In Literacy, we were still focussing on our procedural writing and creating our board games – they all look great and I can’t wait to have the chance to play them!

The children introduced me to a new game they have been playing in PE with Mrs McMaster – Castle Tumble! Each team needs to build a castle out of hula-hoops, the pitch is split into 4 sections and it is all about protecting your castle from getting knocked down from the dodgeballs! It was great fun and really fun activity to do before our visit to Stirling Castle on Monday!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Wotherspoon

Primary 5 the last couple of weeks…

It has been very, very busy in Primary 5 over the last two weeks!!

We have been really busy getting all our Literacy work done – we have been practicing our ‘s, ss, c, ce, se,’ sounds AND our ‘j, g, dge’ sounds. Everyone has been putting in so much effort with their spelling work, very well done Primary 5! We have also started our new writing genre; procedural writing and, through this we have been designing and creating our own Board Games. Some of the ideas have been excellent.

We have finished off our Time topic in Numeracy. We learned the difference between the 12 and 24 hour clock, how to convert duration of time using seconds, minutes, hours, days, months and years. Again, everyone has worked so well on this topic, massive well done!!

We have completed our John Muir award and are awaiting our certificates. We have been spending Wednesday afternoons in the woods completing different challenges such as natural art work, den building, litter picking and discovering different leafs to recognise a variety of trees.

We are visiting Stirling Castle on May 13th and this week were researching, learning and discovering different facts about the castle. We completed a timeline of all the important dates relating to the history of the castle.

Everyone has worked really hard and deserves their holidays. Enjoy and I will see you all on Wednesday!

Primary 5’s busy week


What a week we have had in Primary 5! We have had such a busy week with all our fun ‘Lent’ activities with ‘Cake & Candy’ on Monday, ‘Funfair’ on Tuesday, ‘Bingo’ on Wednesday and our amazing ‘St Marys Got Talent’ show today! On Wednesday, St Marys Gymnastics team also had a competition and three of our girls from Primary 5 took part.

We have had so many children in our class rehearsing for the talent show over the last few weeks and everyone from Primary 5 that took part, was amazing!!

We had The Karen Show, The Comedy Show and a poem called ‘Monday Blues’ written by Connor in our class.

At the Funfair on Tuesday, Michael guessed the correct birthday of the chick and won!!

And today at the talent show, Connor won the P4-P7 category with his own poem!

Also, at the gymnastics competition St Mary’s came first with Victoria, Kornelia and Zofia all getting medals and, Victoria getting a second medal for her individual performance.

Massive well done to everyone! Enjoy the holidays and I’ll see you all in a couple of week!

Mrs Wotherspoon 🙂

Primary 5

Primary 5 have had such a busy week this week, and everyone has done so so well!

We started our week with Outdoor Learning up in the woods where we were exploring habitats and built dens for tiny creatures (or creepy crawlies!) The class participated so well in pairs to complete this activity – great communication and teamwork from everyone!

Then on Monday afternoon we headed to Xcite in Whitburn for our swimming assessment! Everyone had loads of fun; the children were excellent, especially at getting showered and organised so we didn’t miss the bus back to school!

We have had a very busy time rehearsing for the St Mary’s Got Talent show next Thursday, with P5 having their additions yesterday! Our 3 groups have been voted for and we can’t wait to see them perform again at the show next week!

In Numeracy, we have been learning our Roman Numerals which led to a really exciting conversation about the different places we might find them! In Literacy, big well done because everyone did so well this morning on their spelling test. Two reading groups finished their books this week too so we’ll be starting new ones just before our Easter Holidays! 4 more school days then it is our holidays, you can do this Primary 5!!!

Happy Friday everyone, have a great weekend!!

Primary 5 this week…

It’s been very busy again in Primary 5 this week!!

We have been working really hard on our new Numeracy topic ‘Decimals’ in preparation for starting our Money topic after the Easter holidays. Decimals has been a challenge but we’re doing really well with it.

In Literacy some of our reading groups started new books – Rockets started ‘The Iron Man’ and Shooting Stars started ‘Paradise High.’ The Crazy Craters are nearly finished ‘The BFG’ and the Astronauts are nearly finished ‘James and the Giant Peach’ so both of those groups will be getting new books before Easter too.

It was Science Week so to celebrate we completed the Tower Challenge! You have to build a tower using only once piece of paper and nothing else. Using different strategies such as cutting, slotting, folding and rolling the winning group built their tower 61.5cm high!

We worked in teams to complete this challenge and everyone showed amazing school values throughout.

We were also told about ‘St Mary’s Got Talent’ taking place on Thursday 28th of March before we split up for the Easter Holidays. We decided on our groups and what our acts are going to be for the talent show. We are going to be practicing a couple of times a week before the show and we are all really excited!

Finally, we had Parents’ Evening this week and it was lovely to see so many of you, and catch up! Everyone has been working really, really hard throughout Primary 5 and I am so proud of all of the pupils in class!

Have a great weekend everyone…see you next week!

Primary 5 this week!!

It has been a very busy week in Primary 5 this week.

We have finished our Graph topic in Numeracy and have moved onto more Multiplication. The class were very excited about this!!

They have all worked really hard at Literacy this week; we have some exciting books in our reading groups – BFG, James and the Giant Peach, The Powder Monkey and Petey! Everyone has also worked so hard learning our new spelling sound ‘sh.’ We started our new Writing Genre last week so have been learning more about that too – Narrative. We will be creating our own stories soon and the ideas that have already been shared are excellent!

The big event in Primary 5 this week is that the class lead our first 2024 School Mass and what a great job they did. We are all so proud of you all; for your singing, participation and respect to others. Massive well done P5!

Term 2 Update from Ness

Keep an eye out soon for our Term 2 Sway which will be winging it’s way to you all shorty.

Great fun being had during our recent visit to the Sensory Room where some of our class decided to dramatise the story of ‘The 3 Pigs’ using soft building materials. Can you guess who had built their house out of brick?
Let’s just say, after lot’s of huffing and puffing, Miss Purves was very much needing a sit down!

Saving energy in Primary 3!

Let's Save Energy' Packs - Rainy Day Trust


Throughout all my learning, I take appropriate action to ensure conservation of materials and resources, considering the impact of my actions on the environment. TCH 1- 02a 

I can consider ways of looking after my school or community and can encourage others to care for their environment. SOC 1-08a 

Primary 3 have been learning about some of the ways they can be eco-friendly.  This means encouraging people to engage in their environment by allowing them the opportunity to actively protect it.  It starts in the classroom, it expands to the school and eventually fosters change in the community.

Through listening to stories and carrying out research we have been finding out about how we can save energy and become more energy efficient.  We shared our learning with each other and designed posters to highlight this.  We have made a  commitment to turn the lights off in our classroom every Friday morning after playtime to save energy.

We wondered if any other classes would like to do the same?

If you turn them off when the light is not needed, even for a short period of time, you will be saving a lot of energy and reduce electricity demand which has a rippling effect.

Karlie – You can do lots of things like switching lights off, turning taps off so you don’t waste water, recycle old things and re-use them too so you are not wasting things.

Damon – We made posters about saving energy.  I’m trying to do some of the things at home like turning lights off when they are not needed.

Jaxon – Have a short shower and save electricity and water.

Jessica – Don’t use your tablet for that long because it needs to be charged up.  You can play with other games instead or read books.

Rocco – Walk to school rather than the bus or car.

Bonnie – Turn the heating down in your house and wear warm clothes when it’s cold so you don’t need the heating on that long.

Cody – Close the windows when the heating is on.  If it’s a sunny day you don’t need the heating on.

Ellie – If the washing machine is on, don’t have it up high (temperature).

Jacob – Turn off the TV and other things (devices) when you aren’t using them and don’t leave them on standby.

REMEMBER – Saving energy is really important to help protect the environment and save money on the household bills.  Our teachers have set us a challenge to do some energy saving activities at home over the coming week!


Welcome back P5!!

Our holidays feel like a long time ago as we have been so busy and active in Primary 5!!

Firstly this week, we started off by catching up after our holidays and talking about New Year’s resolutions. We spoke about what we are all excited for in 2024. There were some lovely conversations about holidays, birthdays and, starting new clubs and sports!

We have started our new topic in numeracy this week which is division and, we have learned strategies to help us with this using concrete materials. We have been dividing by 6, 7 and 9.

In literacy, our reading groups started their new books this week. We have been talking about characters, settings, clarifying and researching words that we don’t understand and summarising chapters after we have read them.

We also started our new topic, ‘Weather’ and made posters in our working groups to display this in our class. Everyone worked really well on these and the designs have really brightened up one of our walls. The posters were to show what we already know about weather and what we would like to learn about our topic.

And finally, we have continued with our BSL (British Sign Language) topic and are still doing really well with it. We had a refresh of the alphabet and then learnt how to say some animals. We had lots of fun with the animal signs.

Very well done on your first week back in 2024 P5!! Keep up the good work and have a great weekend 🙂