Tay Class Update

The first few weeks of the session have gone well in Tay Class.  The children have been very engaged during play and whilst exploring resources.

Our topic is ‘People Who Help Us’.  We have been learning through songs and stories as well as playing with some emergency vehicles and a police station.  We have used our art skills to make a variety of vehicles too.  Some of the class added labels to diagrams of fire fighters and police officers and matched people to their vehicles.

P6 are working hard!

P6 have been working hard since the start of term. We’ve hit the ground running in literacy and have been doing daily spelling and writing as well as visual comprehension, handwriting, dictation have started looking at reciprocal reading skills. In numeracy we have been getting to grips with the four operations through games and activities and have been focusing on written methods.

We have also been enjoying outdoor learning, creating our class charter and door theme, and have already got numerous attractive pieces of work on our classroom walls already!

We’re also working away on our French and will soon begin our topic on space and the solar system.

Well done Primary 6!

Fantastic start to Primary 1S

What a fantastic start we have had in Primary 1S!

Every one has settled into St Mary’s well and we have all been enjoying learning and playing together. We are all doing very, showing the school values, and are super proud of how we have settled in. I am sure you will agree we all look very smart in our school uniforms.


We have enjoyed learning numbers, especially writing numbers 1 to 4, concentrating on our pencil grip. We have also done super work in learning our first four phonics sounds using Read Write Inc. The sounds we have learned are  m a s d.


Our P7 Buddies have helped us during break and lunch time as well as spend time with us in class, this week we read stories together.

We have had time to explore the our door classroom and use the school “Trim Trail” as well as having a go of the school bikes and scooters. During the first two weeks we have also enjoyed PE, Music and French as well as lots of time to play together. It has been such a busy time for us all.

Hope you have a lovely weekend!




Primary 1 M

Our P1 M Superstars have had a fantastic start to their new adventures .   Everyone is settling in well and learning lots of new and exciting things.

This week we learned all about numbers to 10 – what they look like and we tried writing some of them !

We tried writing our names too.   We did really well.

We learned lots of new sounds  like m for mountain, a for apple, s for snake and d for dinosaur.


We made play dough dinosaurs ! And we scooted about on bikes and scooters.

Our P7 buddies helped came down to our class and read stories to  us .   We really enjoyed that .

We have had a great start to our P1 adventure !

Well done to all of our amazing P1 M Superstars !



A great start in P3

Welcome to Primary 3!

What a fantastic first day we had.  It was great to see everyone so smart and ready to learn.  We were excited to explore our new classroom which is upstairs this year. It was great to see our friends and have time to play and chat together and catch up after the holidays.

It is the Feast of the Assumption today and we said some prayers  and sang one of our favourite hymns for Mary. Today we celebrated when Mary ascended, body and soul into heaven. We made some prayers and pictures to add to our wall display.


P6’s last few weeks!

P6 have had an amazing last few weeks!

We have enjoyed some great outdoor learning sessions – climbing trees and making s’mores. We also enjoyed a fantastic trip to Edinburgh zoo where we enjoyed a picnic in the sunshine and got to see lots of amazing animals. We took our performance of Shrek the Musical to the stage and loved every minute of it – well done to all our actors and set designers! Then we rounded it all off with a ‘goodbye P6’ party before receiving our P7 ties.

Our future’s so bright, we gotta wear shades!!! P6 – Yoda Best!

Last week in P2

Well were almost at the end of P2 and what a week we have had.

On Monday we walked all the way to morning mass in West Calder. We were very good and all listened very well. We then went to the park at the back of the community centre where we had snack and got soaked in the heavy rain but had great fun playing with our friends from P1. We then walked to the community garden and went around the stick man trail and enjoyed exploring the fairy garden.

On Tuesday we had our last session with Mr Lockhart. We enjoyed playing and our s’mores which were delicious.

Today we had our picnic. We made our own sandwiches and then enjoyed them in the trim trail and had a play.

Thank you  for a fantastic year, I hope you all have a fantastic summer😊

Another amazing performance of Shrek the Musical by our P4-7s!

Parents and carers were treated to another amazing  performance of Shrek the Musical Jr! Once again it was an ‘all hands on deck’ situation and our P4-7s really showed that teamwork makes the dreamwork.

Feedback was amazing, with parents and carers saying they were blown away by the brilliant acting, singing and dancing and by the beautiful costumes, set designs, face painting and scenery.

Well done to every single member of P4-7 for working so hard these past few months to create such a memorable event.


P4-7 put on a Shrek-tacular show!

Tonight was the opening performance of Shrek the Musical and what a show! All pupils have worked hard for months to bring the show to the stage! As well as learning lines and dancing, pupils made all the scenery and props, created a giant Fairy Tale book and did important behind the scenes work including lighting, sound, scene changes and more! Well done everyone! It really was a Shrek-tacular show!


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