Category Archives: Whole School Events

Lego club’s bytes and bots!

This week Lego club’s challenge was to create a Robot with a specific function. As expected, our clubbers rose to the challenge and a new wave of bots came into being!

We had a robot that makes the jungle tidy with its long arm. We also had a robot dog that could fly and a robot cat that didn’t ‘byte’. We also had a team that programmed a robot that offered a number of functions including a spinning arm, a sensor light and a basket ball net! There was also a Robot that was designed to clear things out of the way.

Well done Lego club!


Gardening Club

What a great week at Gardening club!

We worked in groups to tackle different jobs that we needed to do! First up was weeding in-between the flowers and in the plant beds. Next was planting our fruit trees, two apple trees and two pear trees, they have been planted along the path on the bus exit from the playground. The next group worked on emptying out old planters from around the back of the school and moving them into the garden, once in the garden they were refilled and we planted Rhubarb and Leeks. Our final job was to water all the plants and put away all our equipment.

Everyone worked super hard and we enjoyed a cool glass of juice and a biscuit before heading home!

Health week in P2

What a busy week we have had!

We have all taken part in many activities this week. On Tuesday we had smoothies, outdoor learning and Judo which we really enjoyed. On Wednesday we played games with Mr Boles, learned about mindfulness and planted trees when the heavy rain started. On Thursday we had martial arts – which we loved, exercise to music which was exhausting, dance and we had a referee come in and speak to us. Today we made our fruit kebabs, took part in fitness, sensory circuits and had first aid to finish off our fantastic week. We have all loved taking part in the activities and thank you to everyone who came along to lead us in them.

P6 go back to school in 1897…

This week P6 went back in time to 1897 to take our lessons in a Victorian classroom and to see what life was like during Queen Victoria’s reign. On arrival we changed into our school uniform – a white frilly smock for the girls and shirts and waistcoats for the boys. Sitting the girls away from the boys, began our work on the 3 Rs – reading, writing and ‘rithmetic!

We did our ‘rithmetic test on our chalk boards with a chalk board pen. This was hard to read and a little scratchy, but they won’t dry up like whiteboard pens! Next we did choral reading from the whiteboard. Finally we did our handwriting using an inkwell and fountain pen with blotting paper.

For those who were not completely silent with arms folded and eyes facing front, there was a selection of punishments awaiting them. Firstly was the stoop at the front, where you could sit with shame for as long as the teacher wanted you to. Next there was the fidget board that you had to wear under your arms to stop you from moving in your seat. For the left handers, there was the finger stocks which you would put your fingers in and tie it to the back of your uniform to stop you from using your left hand. Finally there was the strap or cane, from which you could receive ‘six of the best’! You could be punished for minor things such as talking, not sitting up straight, moving in your chair, not having your feet flat on the floor, using your left hand or not saying ‘sir’ or ‘miss’ after speaking to the teacher!

Talking partners or group work was completely discouraged! It was fun for us but we all agreed it would not be fun all day long!

After our lessons we enjoyed the museum where we learned about many Victorian household items, artefacts and ways of life that are so different to how we live today. We got to try out  and learn about mangles, bed pans, irons, shoe dolls, hair curlers and more! We all agreed it was  really interesting and fun class trip! However we all left feeling  very privileged to be living in the 21st Century!

A short week round up for Primary 7

It has been a quick week in Primary 7.  We would like to start by thanking everyone who attended ‘Rock for Camp’ last week.  We raised over £900.  Thank you to the parent council members who supported us with this, your help and advice was really appreciated.  We hope everyone had as much fun as we did.  Well done to the winners of the games and raffles.

We have also welcomed some very hungry visitors this week.  We have been learning about life cycles.  we have planted seeds and are now looking at the life cycles of animals.  Our caterpillars will be with us for a few weeks as we study different stages of their


Another shorter week next week.  We hope you enjoy the holiday weekend.

Lego Club’s animal magic

We have had another fun-filled week at Lego Club! This week our challenge was to build an animal habit for their favourite animal for Earth Day.

Amongst the creations were snakes in the jungle, sharks in the ocean, fish in the coral reef; as well as penguins, polar bears, rabbits and more! One clubber even created a ‘true view’ of the ocean with plastic and old junk floating in it – which was very sad but very important as we all agreed this should not be allowed to happen.

Well done for your creativity and great discussions Lego Club!

A busy week in P6!

This week in P6 we have finishing our Europe topic by presenting our Power points on our favourite country. Next week will will start our new topic Victorians. In maths we have been learning about decimals and angles.  We have started a new writing topic – Persuasive Writing – and have been practising presenting a series of arguments in two class debates.

We have also started working on our Shrek the Musical Jr show, with all pupils rehearsing or helping to paint and build props.

We also began a new session of outdoor learning and will be planting up our raised beds and finishing off our John Muir Award.

In other news well done to Codi and Maddison for taking part in the gymnastics competition – they each received a medal and certificate. And also huge congratulations to Luke, Kymberley and Keira who received an award from St Kent’s for participating well in the Young Stem Leader’s lesson before Easter. Well done!



Tomorrow is Rock for Camp!


Rock for Camp is nearly here.  Thank you to everyone who has bought tickets so far.  We will be selling tickets in school tomorrow morning or on the door tomorrow night (£3 for Adults £2 for children).

Doors open at 6.30pm where we will start the games and raffle and open the ‘tuck shop’ where you can buy a can of juice, a fruit shoot, a packet of crisps or even an ice pole. Adults may BYOB.

We have some excellent raffle prizes including an overnight Glamping experience for 2.  There will a chance to play ‘Slide the Coin at the Bottle’ and other games to be played.

The Band ‘Full Circle’ will be performing between 7-9pm.  We hope to see you all tomorrow night.

Things are Growing in P7

This week we have been looking at the life cycle of plants and how a plant produces seeds.   We have been planting seeds of our own.  The ones that we planted out in the school garden before Easter have become dinner for little visitors to the garden, so undeterred, we are starting again.


We have planted cress indoors and letuce, radishes carrots and spring onions outdoors.  We have also been looking at how the plants produce seeds.  We have disected and pressed some flowers and examined each of the parts to learn how seeds are produced.