Category Archives: Primary 3

Primary 3

This week we participated in world book day celebrations! We arrived to school in our pyjamas and brought a book in. We joined in with the BBC live lessons and had lots of fun using our imaginations!

During the week, we had to work as a team to recall our 2, 5 and 10 times table. We recorded our working in the playground using chalk.

To finish off our week we participated in Lenten Bingo.
Some of our Primary 3 friends won some prizes.

Another wonderful week in Primary 3, where we ‘believe to achieve’.

Primary 3

This week we learned about Shrove Tuesday and discussed why it’s sometimes referred to as ‘Pancake Day’. We discussed its significance in our liturgical calendar and thought about ways in which we could prepare for Lent. To finish off our learning, we enjoyed some pancakes, syrup, jam and fruit.

This week we continued our learning of Reconciliation and supported our peers who were making their Sacrament of Reconciliation on Saturday evening.

As we welcome the very busy month of March, we look forward to welcoming you into our school later this month for our class assembly.

Well done Primary 3 for another wonderful week of hard work! ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Primary 3

What a fantastic start to the New Year we’ve had in Primary 3!

We’ve started this term by making some great New Years Resolutions for the things we’d like to work on in 2023. Everyone in Primary 3 has worked super hard and should be so proud of themselves.

In Primary 3 we ‘Believe to Achieve’. We’ve decided we’re going to use this phrase to remind us to work hard, have courage and believe in ourselves. This ties in nicely with our school values. In Numeracy, we’ve been learning about multiplication and division and their relationship to each other.  We’ve been having extra practice of spelling and grammar on top of our usual Read Write Ink. We have introduced our new IDL topic, ‘Greyfriars Bobby’.

Just a small reminder:

  • Tuesday and Wednesday are P.E. days. Please remember your school uniform on these days.
  • Homework is issued via Seesaw on Monday and is asked to be returned for Thursday. This includes Read Write Ink reading books.

Well done again Primary 3 on a fantastic start to 2023!


Primary 3

It has been a super busy few weeks in Primary 3, packed with lots of fun!

We have learned our 2, 5 and 10 times tables and have been using digital resources to help us consolidate this.

We had our family join us for a cosy campfire. We had written our own book for Scottish Book Week and we were able to read these with our family. We enjoyed some hot chocolate, smores and some play time.

As we approach the festive season, we’ve been practicing mindfulness and meditation to calm and regulate our waves of excitement.

We’ve been learning about the story of the nativity and have been rehearsing for our performance later this week.

Cooking Club 8/12/22

It was another busy week at cooking club filled with Christmas cheer 🎅🏻
We made melted snowmen digestives and chocolate truffles, we are not sure how many made it home  as they were tasty 😋

As usual lots of skills were used throughout the club from team working, hygiene and specific cooking skills – mixing, crushing, measurements and lots more.

Next week will be the last cooking club of this session.