Category Archives: Primary 2

P2 News

We have thoroughly enjoyed our first week back after the holidays – it has been lovely to see our friends again.

We have had a very busy week….In Read, Write, Inc. we have worked hard on developing our Phonic skills and our reading.

In Maths we have also worked hard on learning about Fractions of amounts. We have been learning about whole parts, halves, quarters and three-quarters.

We have also learned about the symbols of the Holy Spirit as well as its meaning.

We also worked as table teams to design and draw a 7 foot long ‘tapestry of life at St Mary’s’ with illustrations of our memories, and experiences at school.

A great week!


It’s A Party

It has been a party in P2 all week.

We had our lovely Christmas lunch on Wednesday and we would like to say a big thank you to all the ladies in the kitchen who made it so special for us.

On Thursday we watched a very special show in the hall. It was called a Pantomime and it was about Peter Pan.  We really enjoyed it.

In the afternoon we did our dress rehearsal for It’s a Party and the other pupils in the school said it was brilliant.

Friday morning – well – what can we say.  We nailed it!! Bethlehem came to Polbeth and put on a wonderful show for all our families. Special thank you to all the pupils in P1-3 for working so hard.

In between all of this our P2’s have been working on Literacy, Numeracy, PE, and all other areas of the curriculum.


P2 News!!!

Well, we’ve almost arrived in Bethlehem after many rehearsals and we are looking forward to seeing you there this week. We have been so busy, completing all our Literacy tasks including RWI reading groups and writing information reports about Santa Claus. We saw a fantastic  new movie on Wednesday and ran a whole mile on Friday!

Primary 2

Primary 2 enjoyed a number of different activities as part of Book Week Scotland this week. The activities included participating in a whole school reading river, drop everything and read time, painting a book character on a potato, enjoying our book bags with our grown ups and hot chocolate.


P2 News 25.10.24

Welcome back P2!  It has been a busy first week.  We thoroughly enjoyed rounding it off with our Halloween party today.  There were plenty of superheroes, villains, werewolves and princesses in class.   Some we couldn’t even recognise!  Have a great weekend.

P2 Update 11.10.24

This week we have enjoyed working with Mr Elliott on our Building the Thinking Classroom Project.  We are learning how to organise ourselves into groups, allocate roles, share our theories and work as a team to solve problems. We are loving it!

We have enjoyed some maths play to further enhance our understanding of the number system.

We celebrated mass today with Father Marcin and received many compliments about our fabulous singing.

Have a wonderful October break.

Last week of cooking 🧑‍🍳 club

What a very messy afternoon we had at cooking club today!

We melted chocolate and made chocolate covered apples and bananas and decorated them with sprinkles 🍫 🍎 🍌 it was lots of fun and very messy! Once we decorated our apples and bananas we then got to dip marshmallows into the melted chocolate 🍫 it was very yummy and sticky.

Some of us ate all our goodies but some of us have them in the fridge to take home tomorrow.

We are looking forward to the next block of cooking club already 😀



P2 Update 20.9.24

It has been a short week but a busy one.  We continued to use the whole part model in mats to display our calculations and demonstrated how to complete the whole part model using the number line strategy.

We continued to learn about the kindness of Jesus by listening to the story of the loaves and fish.

Today, we thoroughly enjoyed our free writing session as we described adventures we’d had, places we were going, achievements we had accomplished and fantastic stories we had made up.  Thank you to Lucas who collected some photographs for us.

A big well done to Jax, Lucas, Jude and Joseph this week. Jax earned our Leader in Me award this week for working very hard each day to achieve his targets.  Lucas is our reader of the week after shouting out common words with ease in our daily practise.  Jude earned multiple awards at his Ninja class.  Joseph learned how to ride a bike all by himself and then rode it to school!  There’s no stopping P2!  Have a great weekend.