St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

February 13, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 5th February 2024

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue Table:

Caleb enjoyed our learning about the history of West Lothian.  We recapped some of the learning from P2 about James Young and his role in mining and the shale mountains we see throughout West Lothian.

Chahiti liked making Valentines Day cards.

Alicaj and Rory loved benchball.  The hall was free for 2 slots this week so the children had some extra PE time to play their favourite game.  As always,  I am impressed with the teamwork that takes place in this game and the strategies the children use to score.

Ethan liked eating ‘soft c’ foods and evaluating them.  The children tasted cereal (Ethan’s favourite), rice and celery and like last week, recorded how they felt about the foods.  The evaluation this week however, had an extra section about why they liked or did not like the food.

My highlight was our lesson, ‘Jesus was a Jew’.  We watched a short clip of a Jewish girl who showed us around her house.  The children were amazed to hear that Jewish people do not mix meat and milk and have 2 separate sinks, 2 sets of separate cutlery drawers and 2 sets of dishes so as to keep these foods separate!  We know that Jewish people pray in a synagogue.  We realised that we as Christians, have many similarities with the Jewish faith.  Some of those are special prayer books, a place of worship and we have holy water fonts whereas they have mezuzahs at their front door.  Mrs Brown shared with the children that when she was growing up, she had a holy water font next to her front door and each time she went in and out of the door, she blessed herself.  The children are excited to have a font in their classroom too in case they wish to do the same.

Congratulations to Rory, our hot chocolate award winner this week and Caiden, our Reading Champion!

Lead Learners were Twida and Tvisha.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Twida – “I liked music with Mrs Morrison.”

Tvisha – “I liked playing in the ‘Soft c’ café.”

I hope you all have a good February break and I will see you on Tuesday 20th.



Mrs Brown

February 9, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Learning Highlights 9th February 2024

This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese Zodiac and we loved hearing about the animals that were the year we were born.  We made our own dragons and wrote about how people celebrate.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘ch’ and ‘sh’ and revision of wh, th, sh and ch.  We are confidently able to read, write and find words with these sounds.

In maths, we continued our learning on subtraction and learned about ordinal numbers and we looked at the order the animals won the race in the Chinese Zodiac story.

In PE, we have finished our block of gymnastics by using all our different skills on the equipment. We were very good at remembering how to land safely when we jump.

We were so excited on Wednesday, when Mrs McKissack held surprise assembly, to tell us that we are now a GOLD Rights Respecting School!  We are all so proud of everyone and all our hard work.

This week we have been learning about Pancake Tuesday, we listened to the story Mr Wolf’s Pancakes and The Runaway Pancake then we got our own pancake to eat.

We learned that Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent and we know that people go to Church to receive ashes and it reminds them of Jesus.

As part of our Scotland topic we looked at the Scottish artist Steven Brown and we drew our own McCoos.  Mrs Russell was very impressed with how well they turned out and they take pride of place outside our classroom for all to see.

Today we celebrated our Rights Gold Award and Valentine’s Day by wearing gold, red and pink colours.

Congratulations to Oscar our Hot Chocolate winner.  Well done to Connor our Reading Champion and well done to the joint winners this week of the Table Points the Red and Orange Tables.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday and well deserved rest and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Tuesday 20th February.

February 9, 2024
by Mrs Craig

P2 Learning Update – 9.2.24

Good Afternoon,

What a fabulous week we have had in Primary 2!

There has been lots of learning and lots of fun.

We had some visitors in our classroom on Tuesday and Wednesday and they were absolutely blown away by the behaviour and attitude of the children.

In literacy, we learned the sound oi/oy. The children were fantastic at knowing where in the word you find the different spellings of the sound.  We even learned a rap to help us to remember:

In Maths, we started working on giving change from 10p/20p.  The children practised paying for different items with a 20p and then working out how much change they should get.  They also investigated the link between addition and subtraction.

After the February break we will be starting our new topic, Under the Sea.  We have discussed with the children what they already know and started to think about what they would like to learn.

We were delighted on Wednesday, when Mrs McKissack called us to the hall for a surprise assembly, to tell us that we are now a GOLD Rights Respecting School!  We are all so proud!

It was wonderful to see the children all dressed in red, pink or gold today.  They all looked fabulous and it was a lovely way to celebrate our Gold award and St Valentine’s Day.

Since we won’t be in school for the start of lent, we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with pancakes and discussed what the children might choose to give up for lent.

Highlights of the Week:

Cameron:  I liked learning about Shrove Tuesday and eating a pancake!

Faye:  I enjoyed learning how much change to give in Maths.

Harald:  I liked learning about Lent.  I am going to give up electronics.

Samuel:  I like building with the K’Nex and finding out how they work.

Lillian:  I liked doing free writing Friday.  I wrote about St. Valentine’s Day.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Faye!  Faye is always extremely hard working and is a great friend to others.  We are very proud of you Faye!

Our Reading Champion is Vasilisa.  Vasilisa is doing very well with her reading and is a great reading role model to others.

We hope the children enjoy their break and we can’t wait to see them back in the classroom.

Mrs Craig and Mrs Brand

February 9, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 9th February 2024


This week we have been learning all about Chinese New Year. We read a story about the Chinese Zodiac and we loved hearing about the animals that were the year we were born.  For our Wordboost work we learned words from the book Dragons in the City. We made our own red envelopes and completed different tasks during Choosing Our Own Learning.

In literacy, we have been learning the sounds ‘ch’ and ‘sh’. We have been very confident at reading words with these sounds and spelling words. On Friday, we had different pictures on pancakes and we had to write the word on our whiteboards. Then we flipped the pancakes to check we had written the word correctly.  In our writing area, lots of people have been writing about the story of the Chinese Zodiac.

In maths, we learned about ordinal numbers and we looked at the order the animals won the race in the Chinese Zodiac story.  We have also been learning about half and how the two pieces are equal. On Friday, we got to cut a pancake in half and then we got to eat it!

In PE, we have finished our block of gymnastics by using all our different skills on the equipment. We were very good at remembering how to land safely when we jump.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Tyler T – I enjoyed doing things for Chinese New Year.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing on the smartboard.

Daisy – I enjoyed writing in the writing area.

Vikashini – I enjoyed doing Spanish.

Zuraib – I enjoyed playing outside.

Congratulations to Daisy who is our Reading Champion this week and to Tyler T who is our Hot Chocolate Winner.




February 9, 2024
by Miss MacGregor

P6A Update

Hi P6A families,

We have had a busy and successful week, which I am incredibly proud of everyone for. Our meta skill focus of the week was ‘creativity’ and we all definitely managed to achieve that!

We have continued our pupil teaching and we are all enjoying the skills that are being taught. I have been very impressed with the effort and time that has being going in to prepare activities, tasks and PowerPoints.

Recent pupil highlights:

– gymnastics obstacle courses for PE

– creating Rights posters using our names (using the rights articles to make a poem using our names)

– making drama predictions for our Into The Forest book

– investigating and exploring different ways to create a racecourse for a marble. We have enjoyed using our STEM skills


Francesca received the hot chocolate this week for preparing a fantastic activity for her teaching time. We were all very impressed with the work that went into this and we all enjoyed taking part in the mystery challenge.

Have a lovely, well deserved February week! Looking forward to all the stuff that has been planned already.

Miss MacGregor 🙂

February 5, 2024
by Mr McGurn

P7A Weekly Update

Dear Parents,

Here’s an update on this week’s learning…

On Monday we started work on Gods Loving Plan and had a recap of the primary 6 slides of the PowerPoint. Then we did some spelling for our homework (hopefully everyone did it). After snack we all did BOMDAS which stands for Brackets Of Multiplication Division Addition Subtraction which is most of what maths is made up of, and it goes in order from top to bottom. After lunch we did some light 15 minute reading then we did some more research on our Scottish author task. Finally to finish off we did some gymnastics for PE.

On Tuesday we did some work on indirect speech. Then we wrote a plan for a Scots poem on any animal of our choice. After snack we did more work on BOMDAS for Maths. Then after lunch we did some reading then Music with Mrs Morrison. Then finally to finish off we did work on sports in French.

On Wednesday we wrote our Scots poem on our animal of our choice. Then after snack we did RLPS on our laptops for Maths. After lunch we did some reading then presented our Scottish authors research task. To Finish off, we did Gymnastics for PE.

On Thursday we did the final reciprocal reading for The Last Wolf reading book. Then we did some HWB with Mrs Morrison. After snack we worked on finding the Area of Triangles for Maths. After lunch we did reading then Spanish with Mrs Broadley. Then we did painting for Art.

On Friday we did more on God’s Loving Plan. Then we spoke to some S6 students at St. Margaret’s Academy on Teams. After snack everyone did Engineering – building a tower with spaghetti. Then we did Around The Clock and we had Fun Friday.

By P7A’s Lead Learner, Myles.

Signing off.

February 4, 2024
by Miss Duddy

P4b Learning highlights 2nd February 2024

This week Primary 4 have done lots of learning.

Our spelling this week was based on the Scottish words we learned last week for Burns’ day, the children loved learning what all the different words meant. Our numeracy has been focussed on word problems for the multiplication we have been learning over the last few weeks. The children have been great at putting their learning into context and understanding what kind of questions relate to different sums. This week our focus was multiplying 2 and 3-digit by 1-digit, and next week we will be looking at multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000 using word problems.

Topic this week focussed on researching the process of recycling paper and how it happens, in preparation for next week when we will be attempting to recycle and make our own paper.

Our communion preparation is going well, this week the children learned about the penitential act and that this is asking God and everybody around us to forgive our sins. the children all got a little pebble and thought of a sin they want to let go, they then dropped this into a bowl of water symbolising them handing it over to God. Our non-sacramental children learning about other world religions, learned about Hinduism this week.

We learned about how nouns, adjectives and verbs are used in information reports and did a highlighting activity where we went through a passage and highlighted all of the nouns present. The children were great at spotting all of them!

We had a little lesson about respect and how we can show more respect to others at school, in an effort to highlight how important respect is and how this goes hand-in-hand with friendship. The children had some wonderful ideas about respecting their peers, teachers and school building, hopefully we can all remember to  put these into practice!

Well done to our winners this week, they have not received their prizes as we ran out of time on Friday so they will be told on Monday!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and get lots of rest!

Miss Duddy


February 3, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 29.01.24

Dear Readers,

We hope you are all well.

Here are the highlights of our week:

  • Continuing learning about decimal numbers and how to turn them into fractions.
  • Reading comprehension about the Life of a shepherd in Bethlehem, which most boys and girls found particularly tricky but also very interesting.
  • The new Spelling Words and all the work to practise them during the week so that Friday’s score continues being really good, just like last week!
  • Learning about the Global Goals for sustainability, being able to discuss them in groups and making beautiful posters to display in our class explaining them!
  • For our Climate Smarter project, we have learned many important things about Forest Management, learned how the forest management cycle works, developed our understanding on the reasons why wood is considered the most sustainable building material and have followed closely what happens to it, from the moment it is cut out to the moment it comes to our houses as a beautiful piece of furniture, for example.
  • We have also learned about something very sad that was remembered in the last few days, The Holocaust. All children felt very shocked while learning about the events related to it and, of course, while learning about the terrible atrocities of the time. Fortunately they all understood that the reason why it is so important to learn about terrible events from the past is to make sure we learn lessons from them in order not to repeat them in the future. Since in our everyday Prayers we always ask for God to stop the current wars and prevent any others from starting, it was very sad to have realised that the people who have started the current wars don’t seem to have learned any lessons from the past.
  • Our weekly spelling assessment had great scores which will be shared with the class on Monday. Well done for the great spelling work!
  • Super congratulations to our Hot Chocolate of the Week, Miss Sophia, who will be wearing our new and special class medal! 😘🏆👏🥇
  • Super sweet congratulations also to our Kindness Champions, Mr. Aaron, Mr. John and Miss Pixie! Your kind gestures are very much appreciated by all of us and we are very proud of you!👏👏👏🥇🥇🥇❤❤❤
  • Finally, congratulations to our House winners of the week, The Cursed Child! Well done and keep it up!👏👏👏👏🏆

We say goodbye for now wishing you all a great weekend!

P5A and Mrs Valente❤😘

February 3, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 29th January 2023

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the yellow Table:

Viven enjoyed trying some ‘soft g’ foods as part of her phonics lesson.  The options to try were: vegetables, gingerbread men and oranges.  She enjoyed the vegetable sugar snap peas best.

Riley and Linda both reported that building Linlithgow Palace was the learning highlight of their week.  Linda built hers using a cardboard box and Riley built his with lego.  Linlithgow Palace is a landmark of West Lothian.

Aadya liked demonstrating her understanding of what the 4 times tables looked like.  She discovered that the answers were double to answers to the 2 times table.  Well spotted Aadya!

Olivia loved making a leaflet about restaurants in West Lothian.  Her team worked well together to research restaurants.  They included useful information such as the address, opening hours, pictures of the food and their website.  Good job!

Ollie said the best part of his week was the football after school club.

Diana loved making the word ‘gems’ with gems as part of soft g learning.  The words looked very sparkly!

My highlight was our RE lesson about The Good Samaritan as part of ‘God’s Loving Plan’.  The children could recall many Bible stories prior to the learning.  After listening to the story, they acted it out and then accompanied various words from the story to movement.  We call this ‘Story Massage’.  Ask your child to show you the different massage movements.  They included: Fan, Walk, Sprinkle, Circle, Wave and Calm.  The children enjoyed this relaxing exercise so much that we hope to build it in to a lesson in the near future!

Congratulations to Aadya, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Lead Learners were Diana and Chahiti.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Linda – “I liked going to the cloakroom and telling the teacher who was being sensible.”

Caiden – “I liked football with Miss White.”


Mrs Brown

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