St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

May 18, 2024
by Mrs Craig

Primary 2 Weekly Update – 17.5.24

Good Afternoon,

We’ve had another fantastic week in Primary 2!

The children are doing really well with their times tables and have started to look at the link between multiplication and division.  We have also continued to work on fractions and have been learning that a quarter, is a half of a half.

In Literacy, we have been learning how to write a recount.  The children have planned a piece of writing about their recent visit to the Zoo and will complete their writing next week.

On Thursday, the children worked hard on their entry for an Art competition.  They have designed their very own mythical creature.  Keep your fingers crossed that someone from P2 might win!

Over the past few weeks, the children have been having great fun exploring the woodlands. Here are a few photographs of them in action:

Highlights of the Week:

Lillian:  I loved creating a vets in our classroom and looking after the animals.

Faye:  I liked learning the 5 times table.

Alex:  I loved creating my own mythical creature.  Mines is very cool.  I hope it wins the competition.

Tudor:  I liked colouring Concorde picture that Mrs Craig printed for me.

Olga:  I loved going to the woodlands.  I moved the furniture with Owen and made a house.

Huge congratulation to our hot chocolate Friday winner this week, Olga!  Olga is always working very hard in school, her work is always presented beautifully and she is extremely kind and caring towards other.  We are very proud of you Olga!

Our Reading Champion is Aarav.  Well done Aarav!

Have a great weekend everyone!

Mrs Craig and Mrs Brand

May 17, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Weekly Highlights 17th May 2024

This week

In maths, P2 have been learning about quarters, they have been able to identify quarters and not quarters. P1 have been working on addition and subtraction.  We have been skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

In RE, we learned about Pentecost and how the disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit.  We celebrate Pentecost this Sunday.

In PE, we practised throwing a javelin. We have been working really hard and can throw it quite far now.

We have continued to work on our sounds and Fry’s Common Words.  In writing P1 recounted how to plant a seed.  Our seeds are starting to grow now and we are very excited watching them.

In Health we have been learning about the importance of sleep to keep us healthy.

We made 3D lunch boxes as part of our topic and we drew a step by step drawing of a wolf.

The children enjoyed completing an activity would you rather and they had to justify their answers.

Congratulations to Laaibah our Hot Chocolate winner, well done to the Red Table our wining table and also congratulations to Victoria our Reading Champion.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone and enjoy the sun.

May 17, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 13th May 2024

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Blue table:

Alicja liked changing the clothes on her avatar from the Pixton app.

Grace and Chahiti said the highlight of their week was our writing of a recount about the healthy blueberry and banana warm pudding we made last week.  The children worked hard to include an orientation, sequence of events and conclude with a personal statement.

Rory loved music with Mrs Morrison were the children finished the music story of ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’.

McPaul, our new pupil, who we welcomed in to our St John Ogilive family this week, enjoyed listening to the story of Pentecost during religion lessons.  This Sunday, we will celebrate Pentecost.  The children recounted this story within a flame template.

My highlight was maths.  The children have been working hard to multiply 2 digit numbers this week by 2.  We challenged ourselves by multiplying 3 digits and then 4!

Congratulations to Jack, our hot chocolate award winner this week and to Chahiti, our Reading Champion!

Lead Learners were Jiade and Angel.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Jiade – “I liked Word Boost.”   The Word Boost story this week was called, ‘Eliot, Midnight Superhero’.  This will be up on Seesaw after school today for a further opportunity for the children to enjoy and listen out for the key vocabulary.

Angel – “I really liked drawing a dove.”  The children completed an instructional drawing of a dove.  This not only a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost links) but also of peace.  Our new mini topic is called, ‘Conflict Resolution in the Classroom.’  We will be further exploring the topic of peace for the remainder of May.

Just a reminder that we are off school on Monday and I will see you all back on Tuesday.  Enjoy the long weekend!


Mrs Brown

May 17, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 17th May 2024

This week the Jolly Postman delivered another letter to us and he sent the book Little Red Riding Hood. We sequenced the story and made a healthy basket for granny. We have loved playing with the basket that the Jolly Postman delivered and pretending to be Little Red Riding Hood.

In maths, we have been learning about half past and we were very confident with this. We also did some more work on addition and subtraction.

In RE, we learned about Pentecost and how the disciples received the gift of the Holy Spirit.

In PE, we are practising throwing a javelin. We can throw them really far.

We have been busy building lots of models in the construction area and we have been taking lots of photos of them.

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Alfie – I enjoyed playing in the construction area.

Ollie – I enjoyed drawing.

Rudhvick – I enjoyed reading the story.

Sophia – I enjoyed playing with the flowers.

Peyton – I enjoyed playing with the marble run.

Congratulations to Leah who is our Reading Champion and to Lewis who is our Hot Chocolate Winner.



May 11, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 6th May 2024

Hello P3A families,

Even though we had a shorter week this week, we still managed to squeeze in many leaning experiences in P3A.  Here are this week’s highlights from the yellow table:

Laura and Linda both said the highlight of this week was brushing and flossing their teeth.  Recently, we have been learning about oral health and had a practical session with a timer.  The children also enjoyed a song I had made up to help my little sister brush her teeth properly we were kids.

Vivien and Hasika  enjoyed continuing their learning about Emotion Words with Mrs Brand.

Olivia and Diana liked tracking the growth of their plant.  We took them home on Friday as you know.  It would be super if you were able to send pictures through Seesaw or the school office when the flower blooms.  Remind that these plants have edible leaves!  There are many ideas online about how to use the petals in cooking.  Some can be found here:

Ollie and Aadya enjoyed football with Miss Whyte.

Angel loved our learning about the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary.  During May, each day at noon, the children pray one decade of the rosary.  Moving forward, we are going to focus on one Joyful Mystery each day.  Angel liked the one called “Presentation of Jesus at the Temple.”

My highlight was a recount we read about a boy who made blueberry muffins for his grandma’s birthday.  He then wrote an email to his dad in the past tense about what he had done.  P3A then went on to make a healthy banana and blueberry warm pudding (one group still have to make them).  Like the boy in the recount, we are going to type up how we made it using past tense words.

Due to it being a short week, we had no new Lead Learners or Hot Chocolate winner.



Mrs Brown

May 10, 2024
by Mrs Lea

Primary 4A Learning Highlights 10/5/24

Primary 4 have had a great week with lots of new and exciting learning.! The children have been working very hard preparing for their First Holy Communion and are very excited ! Both classes have joined together to practise the hymns and it has been great fun!  In Literacy, we have been learning about similes and we have had super fun creating our own sentences using them. In Numeracy, we have continued to develop our knowledge of fractions and how to find fractions of a whole number. We are all looking forward to preparing for our class assembly, based on the Olympic Games and takes place two weeks today!  As the weather has become warmer, we have been trying to complete the daily mile each day helping to improve our concentration in class and our fitness levels!   Here are some of our highlights:

Literacy –  Aiden and John ” We enjoyed learning about similes.”

Numeracy – Ella ” I liked learning more about fractions.”

R.E –  Suhanth- ” Learning about how Mary’s meals helps children all over the world was interesting.”

Topic- ” Julia and John” Researching countries competing in the Olympic games was interesting.”

We hope you have a super weekend!

Mrs Lea and Primary 4


May 10, 2024
by Mrs Russell

P2/1 Learning Highlights 10th May 2024

A short but fun and busy week in P2/1.

This week P2 have been revising learned sounds and also the sound ‘oo’.  P1 have been looking at recount in writing and they wrote an account of their weekend.

We have been skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.

This week we went outside for our gym lesson.  We have been working on our jumping, throwing and running skills.

We planted sunflower seeds and will look after them in class until they start to grow.  In art we made beautiful craft flowers using strips of paper and a folding technique.

In Healthy and Well Being we continued to look at healthy foods and chose foods to make a healthy lunchbox.

Some boys and girls went to Church to celebrate Ascension Thursday.

Congratulations to the Red Table are winning table this week.

Weekly Highlights:

Ellie and Leighton ‘I enjoyed playing with my friends’

Victoria ‘I liked learning about Jesus’

Martyna ‘I liked learning about flowers’

Hameedah ‘I liked planting seeds’

Abdul-Hameed ‘I liked maths’.

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sun.

May 5, 2024
by Maria Brown

P3A Week Beginning 29th April 2024

Hello P3A families,

Here are this week’s highlights from the Red table:

Abeeha said she liked learning about the job of the apostrophe.  P3A have been learning to use an apostrophe this week to show possession.

Tvisha liked football with Miss Whyte.

Twida has been enjoying making his tote bag.  Those children who have made theirs so far, have been really creative with their ideas and have been using their measuring skills to measure out velcro as well as the material they needed.

Grace said the learning highlight of her week was learning about Mary, Jesus’ mother and all the different names she has.  May is the month of Our Lady and each day at 12pm we have been saying a decade of the rosary.  We will continue to learn about the rosary during this month and what the different Mysteries of the rosary are.

Jiade has loved playing rounders during PE.

Zion said his highlight was using stile boards with Miss Smith.

Jack enjoyed our assembly with Mrs McKissack who spoke to the children about the valuable work that the charity, ‘Mary’s Meals’ do and how 10p can provide a child in need with a nutritious meal.  Later in the month we will have a homework that will involve a 10p to help drive this message home.

Caiden liked measuring and recording his plant growth.  In one week, Caiden’s plant has grown 13cms!  Some children have been a bit disappointed to see that their plant has not started to grow yet even though it receiving water and sunlight.  I have reassured them that we all grow at different rates and when conditions are ready for it, it will grow.  Also, something magical could be happening under the soil!

Deveena said she enjoyed the poem, ‘Going to the Dentist’.  The children listed to it, read along and answered some questions.  Good work everyone!

My highlight was saying our rosary every day and witnessing how respectful the children are during this time.  From next week, we will pray specifically for children in Zambia, Benin and Haiti.

Congratulations to Olivia, our hot chocolate award winner this week!

Lead Learners were Olivia and Zion.  They had the important role of looking out for people who were demonstrating our school rules of being Ready, Respectful and Safe.  They also get to say something extra for the blog:

Olivia – “I liked music with Mrs Morrison.”

Zion – “I really liked rounders.”

I hope you all enjoy the long weekend and I will see you all on Wednesday.  Remember to look out for a paper copy of your child’s homework next week for ‘National Screen Free Week’.



Mrs Brown

May 3, 2024
by wlsofia.valente@glow

P5A – WB 29.04.24

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our blog. We hope you are all well and looking forward to the longer weekend.🌳😀

In P5A this has been another very different week of learning and our highlights were as follows:

  • On Monday we dedicated most of our time to finishing off our Eco-School models for the Climate Smarter Project. It was great to see the amount of times we had to use our problem solving skills successfully in order to make the models and their various parts!👏👏👏
  • On Tuesday, the day was very exciting with the Climate Smarter judges coming to spend the day in our school to see our models, discuss them with us and ask us many questions about our STEM knowledge relating to the models. It was truly nerve-wrecking but also very exciting indeed!😁 The models were amazing and we are all very proud of our work! Unfortunately, only one could be chosen to go to the final at Heriot Watt University on the 22nd of May, and so we congratulate the Climate Coconuts for their brilliant Eco-School Model!🏆 CLIMATE COCONUTS
  • Here are the pictures of the other amazing Climate Smarter groups!
  • Wednesday, the 1st of May was a day to celebrate World workers day and St Joseph’s Day and we have started it by going to Mass and listening to Father Clement talking about how kind, generous and hard-working St. Joseph had been and how important his example was for all of us.
  • In Numeracy, we have continued our work on division and the number families with lots of practice.
  • Primary 5 A were making beautiful and colourful posters to help themselves and P3s to understand the difference between ‘to’, ‘two’ and ‘too’. These will be given to Mr. Pentland’s P3 class so they can put them up on their walls and remember when to use each one of them.
  • May is also known as the month of Mary so, to celebrate May in a beautiful way, we have joined Mary’s Meals and their Pray in May Calendar. Every day we learn about a country which is being helped by this charity and make a Prayer for the children of that country. It’s really lovely to see how easy it is for us to make the prayer on the spot after having learned about the situation of the country and its children!♥♥
  • The week ended with the viewing of the legendary ‘Spiderwick Chronicles’ that we had read and studied to learn about the various features of the Narrative. We were all absolutely looking forward to watching it and thought it was amazing! So exciting! Our challenge next week will be to continue the story with our own narratives and Mrs Valente can’t wait to read them all!🥰
  • Finally, many congratulations to the 3 Hot Chocolates, Miss Pixie, Mr Logan and Miss Emily!👏👏👏🥇🥇🥇🏆🏆🏆😀😀😀Super well done! We have had three because we didn’t have any over the last three weeks but the children really deserved them this week!
  • Our winning table was the Cursed Child for their continued team effort to keep tidy, organised and well-behaved! Well done!👏🏆
  • The Planet Warriors won the prize for best Climate Smarter Group due to their Team Work throughout the Project! What a great example for all they have been!👏👏👏👏👏👏😀

That’s all for today, we say goodbye for now wishing all a super happy weekend!😀

P5A and Mrs Valente

May 3, 2024
by Miss Stebbing

Primary 1 Learning Highlights 3rd May 2024

What a busy week we have had in Primary 1!

On Monday, we learned all about plants and what they need to grow. We then planted sunflower seeds and we are very excited to see them grow. Some people were a bit disappointed on Tuesday when they had not grown!

In literacy, we have been learning to use the ‘igh’ sound and we are becoming confident in reading words with this sound. We wrote instructions about how to plant a seed and we made sure we put everything in the right order.

In Maths, we have been practising counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. We also revised telling the time to the hour and we loved playing games on the Smartboard to help us with this.

In RE, we coloured in flowers to make a display for Mary and we sang the Hail Mary prayer. We took part in an Assembly with Mrs McLaughlin to learn about Mary’s Meals and in class we have been looking at Rosary Beads.

In Science, we learned about sorting things into living, no longer living and never lived. We had a great discussion about each of the items and confidently sorted them.

On Friday, Mrs Hislop brought a special parcel to our classroom that had been sent by the Jolly Postman. It had magic beans and soil inside and we planted these in the classroom. We were very excited when we got back from break as the beanstalk had started to grow. He also sent us the Jack and the Beanstalk book and the best part of the day was playing with the box that all the things came in!

Some of our personal highlights this week are:

Danvith – I enjoyed playing with the box.

Posy – I enjoyed planting the magic beans.

Tyler T – I enjoyed planting the sunflower seeds.

Maja – I enjoyed colouring.

Rudhvick – I enjoyed playing with the connecting straws.

Congratulations to Posy who is our Hot Chocolate Winner and to Rudhvick who is our Reading Champion.




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