St John Ogilvie Primary School

Working together as a vibrant learning community of faith and friendship, where everyone is valued and included.

February 24, 2020
by Maria Brown
1 Comment

P1B Post

Week Beginning 17.2.20 P1B highlights: DaisyDee – “When my name went on the ‘Over and Above’ board.”  As part of celebrating the children’s ready, respectful and safe behaviour, we now have in our classroom an ‘Over and Above’ board where … Continue reading

February 21, 2020
by Mrs Egan

Ragbag Collection

Classes were given out ragbag collection bags today.  They should be returned on Thursday 12th March.  The collection items are then weighed and school receive a payment based on this so please try to support this if you can.

February 7, 2020
by Mrs Egan

P6A Weekly Round Up

This week we have celebrated “Scotland loves Languages” week.  We have made posters which show how to say hello in different languages and used a different language to greet each other every day – Temi Some of us had an … Continue reading

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