St Anthony's Primary School Blog

June 12, 2020
by Mrs Llaza

Suggested programme of learning 12th June 2020

Morning prayer. Say a Hail Mary for all our NHS and key workers who are still working hard and caring and serving others,  May God smile down on them all knowing that we are servants of his love. Amen.

Here are some online spelling games for you

when is the sh sound spelt with a  ch

when is the i sound spelt with a y


Find the photocopied sheet in your pack  called Common Homophones and Confusions.

A homophone is a word pronounced the same as another, but having a different meaning or spelling or both. 

Ask your parent to chose three sets of homophones from the lists, e.g. bare/bear, cheep/cheap , weight/wait.

Now see if you can write each homophone in a sentence using the correct spelling and its meaning.


Mental Maths Friday Madness 

You can choose which level you are comfortable working at ( remember grade 5  is our P6 and Grade 4 is our P5 it is just organised differently in other parts of the UK. There is also Level 1 to 5 on the left hand side of this activity so if you find the test to difficult/easy go down or up a level.  Children please do the daily 10 mental maths quiz for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. So you will be doing 40 mental maths questions.


Maths – The order of Operations

Triangles work on IDL NUMERACY  

Watch the teaching video then complete the rest of the activities underneath.


Learn coding skills. Kids this website says that parents can access the site without logging in, Let me know if you are able to access it ok.  This is a really great site to support your IT skills.


Thank you for working hard today. Have a great weekend.

Stay safe and God bless.


June 11, 2020
by User deactivated

P7 Thursday 11th June

Good morning everyone!

Apologies for this being posted late this morning.

My Laptop was completely dead and would not switch on!

As always I have included all today’s tasks in the daily powerpoint.

Well dome to those who have been visiting Sumdog to complete their Maths and Grammar tasks.

Please remember to say Hi on Teams and if you have not yet sent your video and photos to me, please do so asap.

Hope you have a great day!

Thursday 11-6-20 PPT




Second level – Reading Assessment

P7 Leavers – Request Letter

June 11, 2020
by Mr Paterson

P4 tasks – 11/06/20

Good morning, Primary 4.

Well done for all of your hard work this week on our new topic. We’ve had some amazing lessons from our ‘Topic Teachers’ and we have more to come today and next week!

Click on the link below to access today’s PowerPoint:


Writing PowerPoint: Science Writing

Topic PowerPoint: Tsunami

Have a great day!

Mr Paterson

June 11, 2020
by Mrs Moffat

Thursday 11th June 2020 Daily PowerPoint for P5/4

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Good Morning Everyone,

Here is your PowerPoint with today’s tasks: Thursday 11th June 2020


All Groups – Elkonin Boxes – separate your phonemes into each box, remember that phonemes with two letters go into the same box e.g. ‘oo’ would go into the same box.


David Walliams: Rhymning Game – Don’t worry if you cannot print to cut out, just make the table in your jotter and write the words in.

Rhymning Game Answers

Roald DahlChapter 9 – Summarising

Tom FletcherChapter 3 – Metalinguistics


TrianglesTeejay 1a – pg. 147

CirclesTeejay 1b – pg. 178 you could also do Teejay 2a – pg. 119 and 120

SquaresTeejay 2a – pg. 119 and 120

Live lesson at 10am to go over the morning starter on teams!

Have a great day.

June 11, 2020
by Miss Sloan

Thursday the 11th of June


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Good morning boys and girls,

I hope you all had a lovely day yesterday!

For writing today I have asked you to write about yourself. If you find it hard to think of something you love about yourself I’m sure a parent or guardian will be able to tell you lots of things they love about you.

I would love to hear about some of the things you love about being YOU. You could share a picture of your writing  with me on Twitter or even comment on this post.

I hope you all have a fantastic day of learning.

june 11th

Best Wishes,

Miss Sloan

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