On Friday we had our end of term Celebration Assembly.
We acknowledged our Awesome Authors, those children who have made excellent progress or achievements within writing.
We also recognised our STEM Superstars, those children who have made excellent progress or achievements within Science, Technologies or Maths.
We recognised our P6 and 7 children who helped out at our recent parent consultations.
We found out that our school has received the Silver Sports Scotland Award. A huge congratulations to our Sports Stars and Mrs McConville.
Our House and Vice Captains set a Maths Weeks Scotland Poster Challenge, and the winners received a prize!
We took part in the National Maths Week Sumdog Competition. Some of children completed all 1000 questions! Primary 3 scored the highest for the school, and Tyler came 207th out of almost 75000 pupils.
Thank you to our Sumdog reps who reminded up about the competition!
We watched a video that showed us all about our learning during Maths Week Scotland.
Congratulations to Calder for winning the house points this term.