P6 Weekly Update

This week in Primary 6 we have tried to link our topic to all areas of our learning (where possible).

We have been learning about the Respiratory System and how this works effectively to help us live. We were set a STEM challenge to see if we could re-create the breathing system using a set amount of materials after identifying all of the organs involved and their purpose. We had lots of fun with this task!

Have a lovely weekend 🙂

P6 Weekly Update

This week in Primary 6 we have been focusing on the layout and presentation of our work. This has been something that we highlighted when self and peer assessing our work across all areas of the curriculum.

Literacy – We have been working on our joined handwriting and investigating nouns and proper nouns. This is something that we initially found tricky but we have picked up well. We have focused on how to use a dictionary effectively to assist us with learning and expand our vocabularies.

Maths – We have been focusing on how to collect information and the different ways in which it can be presented. We have gathered our own information and explored how to present this in bar graph and pictorial format.

PE – We have completed our block on handball and took part in a class tournament. We focused on team work, positive communication and enjoying ourselves.

Topic – We looked further into the process of digestion, explaining what happens at the different stages and we will be moving on to the respiratory system across the final stages of this term. This week we also celebrated International Womens Day.


Languages – This week we had Jess teaching Spanish greetings, numbers and colours. We are thoroughly enjoying learning different languages and are building up a bank of knowledge!

Have a  lovely weekend 🙂

P6 Weekly Update

Morning everyone,

We have had another busy week in Primary 6. Here is what we have been up to…

Literacy – We have been working on imperative verbs (bossy verbs) to help us when we begin writing our next piece of writing this term, which is a procedure. We were provided with our feedback from our information report, where we discussed our targets and areas of strength/improvement. As a class, we developed our knowledge of how to link and join our writing which is one of our core targets. We also worked on our knowledge of prediction and clarifying.

Numeracy/Maths – We have been learning about the Order of Operations. We have worked hard this week to understand the correct order to work out different sums. Mrs McConville continued to develop our knowledge of perimeter.

IDL/Topic – We have been learning further information about the skeleton. We did some personal research where we picked an area of the skeleton and had to find out key facts/information. We will be moving onto the digestive system next and we can’t wait!

Languages – This week we had Christina introducing us to Romanian. We started by learning basic greetings alongside numbers. We are loving this opportunity to learn different languages!

Have a lovely weekend!


P6 Weekly Update

Hi everyone,

During our short week back to school after the holidays,  we have completed lots of fun and engaging learning activities.

Literacy: We have been working on our ability to read for information through our use of skimming and scanning techniques. We looked further into how to summarise information from a chapter in our class novel, where we focused on picking key phrases/words from the text to show our understanding.

Numeracy: We have been developing our knowledge of multiplying and dividing by 10, 100 and 1000. Mrs McConville began teaching us about perimeter and area this week.

Topic/IDL: We continued our topic of the Human Body – Body Systems where we looked further into the Skeletal system. We identified the key facts surrounding the Skeletal system and completed a task where we had to work collaboratively to name all of the bones in the body (this was tricky!).

Health and Wellbeing: We looked into gender stereotypes and ensuring that everyone is treated fairly and equally. We had many class discussions where we were able to listen to the opinion of others and express our own opinions.

Have a lovely weekend!

Primary 6 Weekly Update

This week we completed our Scottish Contexts topic. We recited our Scottish poems in front of our peers, where two winners were chosen to perform in front of the whole school. We all did a great job and are so proud of our representatives!

In Numeracy, we have been working on adding and subtracting decimals using mental calculations and column sums/chimney sums/formal written method. We have grown in confidence in this across the week, where we were then able to answer and create our own word problem examples for our peers.

We began our new topic for the remainder of the term, where we will investigate Body Systems. We began this through sharing what we know as a whole class and coming up with questions we wanted to investigate across the coming weeks.

In Health and Wellbeing,  we looked into what a friendship and/or a relationship is, what makes us a good friend and how to maintain each of these. We collectively created a ‘P6 Friendship Soup’ which incorporated all of our ideas for maintaining positive relationships and friendships. This is now on display in our classroom as a daily reminder.

Have a lovely weekend!

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