P3 Weekly Update

This week we have been working on a new Literacy routine. This is where we have explored more active spelling tasks, reading with our friends, using our digital class library and many more literacy focused activities.

We created an Autumn wreath which we were able to put on show around our houses. We tried to make these from natural materials, however it didn’t quite work out that way!

Primary 4

This week, Primary 4 made links between our Roman topic and RME! 

We found out that Romans had many different gods and often prayed to them for different things. We decided to investigate the main gods and find out more about them. We worked in pairs to create a fact file about each god.

Here is our display below…


We will be starting our fantastic building project next week.. Check in with us to see how we are getting on!

Until then…

Primary 4 & Miss M 🙂

Passover in Primary 5

We had a Seder meal today – we had kind of the same food the Jewish people would eat. It was very tasty. We tasted parsley and bitter herbs (horse radish) , matzo bread, salt water and charoset (mixed chopped apples and cinnamon).  We drank juice instead of wine. The Seder meal is eaten at Passover to celebrate Jewish freedom from slavery.

Before the meal 2 volunteers searched for any ordinary bread hidden in our room, sweeping with a feather.
Before the meal 2 volunteers searched for any ordinary bread hidden in our room, sweeping with a feather.
Matzah bread is flat because it has no yeast in it.
Matzah bread is flat because it has no yeast in it.
We used a Hagadah script to ask the traditional questions during the meal.
We used a Hagadah script to ask the traditional questions during the meal.
We drank 4 'cups of wine' during the meal.
We drank 4 ‘cups of wine’ during the meal.
A seder plate with parsley, matza, and charoset on it.
A seder plate with parsley, matza, and charoset on it.

Harvest Service

Thank you again to everyone who donated goods to our Harvest table today. We were very grateful for all the food and produce brought in to school, and glad to be able to help our local community in this way. This year the table also included some of our OWN grown produce- the leeks were freshly pulled out of the raised beds this morning.

We hope everyone who joined us enjoyed our Harvest assembly and we wish all the best to everyone receiving a bag of Harvest goods. This year we were able to give bags to everyone nominated by our school family, and to send many bags to the West Lothian foodbank to help families in crisis. Thank you to the group of helpers who sorted out the bags for distribution. Your help is much appreciated.

We learned at Assembly how our money has helped our friends in Uganda to buy Braille machines for the school and orphanage in Magale, and we saw how happy the children were to receive a pencil each.

We can make a difference!

P3 Trip to Kirk of Calder

P3 went on a trip and enjoyed it. We went to Kirk of Calder church in Mid Calder and we learned lots of things. We learned that the font is made from Gibraltar rock.  The trip was brilliant because we got to go downstairs, upstairs and stand in the pulpit, and then they were kind enough to give us a snack. We have written thank you letters to Bobby and Richard for being so friendly and helpful.

Primary 2 RME

Primary 2 have been making mezuzahs and learning about Jewish things and we know everything about mezuzahs.  by Andrew

Mrs Hull’s challenge: how many of you in Primary 2 can show your mezuzah to your family and explain what it is for? Leave your comment on the blog when you have done it!

Primary 1 and 1/2 radio show! Coming soon!

In RME this week we listened carefully to the CBeebies radio show about Leo’s special day – Easter Sunday.  We learned that he had spent the day hunting eggs on a farm, rolling some eggs down a hill, then his mum cooked the eggs and he had one for lunch with toast soldiers.

We thought about what we did at Easter in our families.  Then we recorded our own radio show! Mrs Hull is hoping to add it to the blog very soon so you can listen to the things we did at Easter. It’s very eggciting to hear our voices on the computer. How did you celebrate in the Easter holidays? Leave your comments here for us to see.

P5 Passover

In RME this week we were learning about the Seder meal, the special meal Jewish people have to celebrate Passover. We had a pretend Seder meal in class. We tasted some of the traditional foods which each remind us of part of the Passover story.  Matzah (crackers) and Charoset (chopped apple) were yummy, the horse radish was more of a challenge.


Over the past few weeks, Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 have been learning about Nativity.

First, we heard the Nativity story, and tried to relate what we learned to our own ‘Wriggly Nativity’ story. We also looked at different versions of the story and talked about what was the same and what was different.

Then, we moved on to creating the programme for our own Nativity performance. We drew a picture of ourselves as our character, wrote our own name and tried hard to write our character’s name. They looked great! We photocopied them for our grown-ups to enjoy too!

Finally, after lots of singing and acting (and wriggling!) came our performance of ‘Wriggly Nativity’. After a slight delay from the fire alarm, we were ready to go! We loved the songs, especially the parts where we could wriggle! Mrs Andison and Miss McLaughlin were very proud – we’re sure we saw tears in their eyes! We really enjoyed our learning over this topic!

Miss McLaughlin and Mrs Andison would like to thank Nia Mullen (P5) and Lewis Paterson (P4) for being wonderful narrators; Liam Cavanagh (P7) and Zoe Evans (P7) for being super with our sound; Rebecca Lawrie (P7) and Alexa Renwick (P7) for selling our programmes; Miss Speirs for keeping the performance going; Mrs Hull for all the song rehearsals; all of the grown-ups who came to see our performance and bought the programmes, and finally, to the children in Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 who worked so hard to make the performance as special as it was. Thank you.

Merry Christmas from Primary 1 and Primary 1/2 🙂

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